Chapter 15

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Mingi really enjoyed sitting there with Yunho. Ever since the two others joined them he felt like he didn't talk to Yunho as much anymore. He actually liked the days where it was just the two of them.
He then realized that he didn't even know much about the other even though they've already spent quite some time together.

Considering the situation they were in and what Yunho probably went through already he didn't want to ask something that might bring back bad memories, so instead he just asked him for his last name. "Jeong", the other replied and looked surprised by the sudden question that was kind of out of context, but Mingi just smiled at him. It then got quiet again, Mingi didn't know what to say and Yunho just stared into the darkness. After a few minutes passed Mingi realised that Yunho began to shiver. "Cold?", Mingi just asked and without knowing what he was doing or even waiting for an reply he got closer to Yunho and rubbed his back, "You should get some rest", he then suggested. Yunho looked at him, staying where he was. He then got up, said a quick good night and left.
Right after Yunho left Mingi realised what he just did. He actually didn't like being that close to people, why was it no problem to be close to Yunho? He just brushed it off as 'I just don't want him to become sick'.

After sitting there for a few more minutes he also decided to go back to bed again. As soon as he laid down he heard Yunho move behind him. He then felt an arm very close to his back and, which made him shiver for a second, Yunho's breath on his neck. Mingi didn't know how to react so he just stayed still and eventually fell asleep.

The first thing he heard after waking up was Jongho's enthusiastic voice. Mingi opened his eyes and saw him pointing at him and Yunho. "Aww look how cute they are. Hey, Wooyoung, look at them!!", Wooyoung then came to his side and smiled at the view. A few moments passed until they realised that Mingi was awake and staring at them with a death glare. The smiles on their faces disappeared and they turned around, packing everything for the day. Mingi closed his eyes again and took a deep breath before lifting up his upper body so he could turn around and face Yunho to wake him up, but Yunho just lifted the arm that was the closest to Mingi and pulled him down again. Mingi made a muffled noise and was now laying face to face with Yunho. He once again didn't know what to do and just froze. He just hoped that the situation would be over soon so he could get up and get ready. He didn't know why, but he didn't just want to get up and wake up Yunho so he kept laying there, facing Yunho, waiting for it to be over.
I hope you like this chapter uwu and I finally included some fluff.. at least kinda 😂
--> I won't be home for the next two weeks so idk if I'll be able upload, but I'll let you know!!

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