Chapter 26

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While they were just sitting there, munching their food, Mingi asked Yeosang if he knew any details about the Aspiration and where they could find it.

"Hmm, I don't really know to much. I know that it's supposed to exist, most probabaly outside the city tho." Mingi nodded. "So we'll most likely have to leave the city, right?" Yeosang nodded.

"So we are about in the middle of the city, which means that it will take about a week, maybe two until we are out of the city", Yunho, who was listening to the conversation, stated. "Yeah, probably", Mingi replied and looked down.

He was thinking about everything that could happen on their way. They didn't know where those men were, who had captured San. They didn't know where all the other citizens went.

"We'll still do it, right?", Wooyoung asked, "It was our plan and it will stay this way, or..?" Mingi nodded, "I think we don't even have a different option. If we stay in this city we are most likely going to die. Our resources are limited and we are a kind od big group already.. and god know's where all the other people went."

The others looked at their hands. They all knew that he was right and that they didn't have any other options than hoping to find the Aspiration.

After all of them finished eating they packed their things together and left. They decided that it would be best to walk in the shadows of the houses which worked pretty well since the sun was already setting.

Mingi and Yunho walked at the front, behind them Wooyoung and San walked hand in hand and Yeosang and Jongho followed them. They didn't talk and tried to be as quiet as possible. Whenever they heard a sound they completely froze and looked around until they could be sure that there weren't any other people around.

When it became to dark to keep walking they once again trie to find a house that would be good enough to sleep in. When they found one they immediately got out their sleeping bags. "Wait.. we don't have enough..", Yunho mentioned.

"I will share mine with San", Wooyoung said smiling at his boyfriend. "Okay, good. Yunho? I'll share mine with you, okay?", Mingi said. Yunho smiled, nodded and gave his to Jongho.

When all of them where laying down Mingi heard heard Yunho's teeth chatter next to him. "Are you alright?", Mingi asked getting a muffled sound as a reply. "You are freezing", Mingi stated. "Hm", Yunho made not moving a a single inch.

Since both of them where pretty tall they didn't have a lot of space. Mingi didn't really know what to do, but then he slowly moved a bit closer to Yunho and put his arm around him. Yunho turned around and buried his face in Mingi's chest. "Thank you", he whispered.

"Mingi?" "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, go for it." "Why did you decide to help me? Didn't you say that you actually didn't want a group?" Mingi was quiet for a few moments. "I really don't know. I think my will to help you was big and I thought that you would die if I didn't help you. Maybe I actually didn't want to be completely alone." Mingi couldn't see it, but Yunho smiled.

Both of them fell asleep soon after.


I'm so sorry that this chapter is shorter than the others..

I still hope that you like it even though it's kinda boring.

If you do, feel free to vote and like! ❤

Cya next week,

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