Chapter 16

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Yunho was awake he knew what was going on. Yes he did it on purpose. He actually thought that it was pretty funny even though he didn't know why. He didn't even know why he enjoyed laying like this, but he believed it was like that because he didn't have much physical contact to other people for a while. It was kind of comforting if he was honest. He felt that Mingi froze and didn't dare to move. Yunho had to be very careful to not just break out in laughter.

When Yunho thought that it was enough he let go of Mingi and pretended to wake up. Mingi jumped away from him and stood next to Wooyoung and Jongho. "Morning", Yunho mumbled and rubbed his eyes. "Moooorning~", Jongho said, almost screaming. "Shhh", Wooyoung made and turned back around to get some food for them.

After breakfast they packed their sleeping bags together and grabbed all of their backpacks. "Ready?", Yunho said and looked at his friends. "Yep", "Mhm", "Sure", they answered. Yunho turned around and walked out of the camping store followed by the others. Jongho and Wooyoung walked directly behind Yunho, Mingi, still confused, followed them with some space, lost in his thoughts.

"Everything alright?", he heard someone say next to him. "What?!", Mingi looked to the right side where the voice was coming from. Yunho.  The thoughts about what happend earlier came back to his mind, but he ignored them. "Yeah of course", he then said. For some reason Yunho didn't look satisfied with the answer, but Mingi was too busy to keep away the thoughts that tried to come back into his mind once again. Yunho then began talking to Wooyoung, letting him alone again.

After an hour or two, Mingi didn't exactly know for how long they've been walking already, he finally came to a conclusion, 'Yunho was asleep, right? He didn't know that it was me. He probably thought that I was his… girlfriend.. or so', he thought to himself.

"Ouch", he heard Wooyoung say. Mingi looked up and just now realized that he bumped into the boy who was now standing right in front of him. He took a step back and looked at Mingi, "Are you actually alright?", he asked and Mingi felt that he was worried. He smiled, "I am. Don't worry." "Good, but tell is if you need a break, 'kay?" "Yeah, thanks."

"Wooyoung, you know the way, right?", Yunho wanted to know and looked at Wooyoung. "Of course I do", the boy said. "Let's go then, I wanna arrive there before sunset."
Wooyoung began walking again, a bit faster than before. Mingi noticed the exhausted look on Yunho's face and the way he walked, trying to ignore the pain in his leg. Mingi didn't know if he should mention it since he was the one who wanted to arrive as early as possible. He decided that it would probably be best to not mention it and hope that they would arrive soon.

Yay, I'll still be able to upload even though I'm not at home~
I hope you like this chapter! (This will be the last one with just 500 words, the next ones will be longer)
I hop you are having a great day/night!! 😇💕
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