Chapter 12

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Yunho felt the urge to scream when Mingi poured the antisept over his wound. The pain was even worse then when he woke up in his basement. At least it didn't last for too long.
"Do you think we'll find him there?", he asked Wooyoung who was obviously thinking about that question. "Hmm", he began, " well he probably won't be at home. He might be there, yeah. Since his father is or maybe was a really influential politician, he was at the parliament when everything started. It got completely destroyed and I don't know if anyone survived it, but maybe he went there to look for his father.. I know, some time passed, but I think that we should at least give it a try", he finished. Yunho seemed to think about that for some time and then he slowly began to nod, "Yeah you got a point there! He might be there, you are right. I think we should go there as soon as possible then."
Mingi finally finished treating Yunho's wound and packed everything together again. He then got up and wanted to go away when Yunho grabbed his sleeve, "Where are you going?", he asked with a questioning look on his face. "I just want to look for something proper to eat. I think there should be a small supermarket in this mall", Mingi said with a serious expression. "Oh okay", Yunho said turning back to Wooyoung. Mingi left and took one of the backpacks with him.
Wooyoung used this opportunity to finally ask Yunho about the other guy. "I don't really know him", Yunho began, "but he saved my life and we decided to stay together." "Wait he saved your life?", Wooyoung said with a worried under tone. "Well kind of. He helped me with my leg so I wouldn't get an infection. He always changes my bandages and supports me." "You like him", Wooyoung said with a smile on his face. "Well he's a friend. Of course I.. like him..", Yunho said. Wooyoung decided that he knew enough and got up to look for something they could sleep on since they sould probably sleep in the camping store. While Yunho was waiting he found himself thinking about Mingi quite a lot. 'Well he was my saviour so that is probably normal', he said to himself looking down onto his leg. He didn't want to be a burden for the others. He knew that he would walk quite some time the next day since the parliament was far away compared to his home and the school he and Mingi came from. He just had to do his best and walk as normal as possible.
When he got up he had to stand still for some time, trying to balance out his body. After managing that he went over to Wooyoung and helped him to set up a decent place where they could sleep. Wooyoung and him then sat down again and waited for Mingi to return while talking about the next day.


I'm so thankful for all the recent reads and votes!! I hope you'll continue to support this story! 😇💕 Also I was wondering if you would like longer chapters. If so how many words? And should I still update twice a week then?


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