Kurt Cobain #2

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For maleksrami
I suck sorry. Btw this is a school AU.. so you guys are like 13 xD and you are also depressed, because I'm always depressed..


I walked through the crowded hallways avoiding everyone around me. Everyone around me seemed so happy, they were all getting their books out and talking to all their friends. Some kids already had a boyfriend and girlfriend.
I, unlike everyone else, don't  have any friends. I'm too shy to even speak to people because I keep thinking that they'll think that I'm weird.
No one talks to me either though. I'm invisible to everyone else. They see me but they don't care about my presence. Why would they though? I'm just some depressed bitch.

I dislike everyone in my grade except one kid. That kids name is Kurt Cobain, and the only reason I don't dislike him is because, we'll, I have a crush on him. But he doesn't care about me. Who would though?

It was lunch time and I walked over to the counter. They put chicken tenders (ewww🤢) on top of corn and mashed potatoes on my plate. Yuck.
After getting my lunch, i sit down at the small lunch table at the corner. I'd sit in the big tables but I don't fit in with those kids so I'll just sit by myself.
I looked at lunch with disgust. Ewww. I get up from the table and walk to the trash can. I'm not feeling hungry today so I'm just going to throw my food away. While I was walking I accidentally  tripped over my shoeless and dropped my lunch.

Great. This is just great 😒🙁😑 today is like the best day ever. Disgusting lunch and now I tripped and my lunch fell to the ground. This is just amazing.

I pick my food up from the ground and stand up. There was a boy in front of me and he's wander just any boy.
That boy is Kurt Cobain.

Why? Why did I have to trip in front of my crush? He'll think I'm clumsy and he probably doesn't like me back anyways. Life succkkksss...
I walked over to the trash can and threw my plate away. I just want to go home, crawl into a small hole, and die.
Unfortunately I'm stuck in hell, so I just sat down at the small lunch table where I was and put my head down on the table.

A few minutes later I felt someone tap me. I looked up and saw a boy there
And that boy is Kurt Cobain. Oh shit, my crush is going to talk to me.
"You ok there?" He asked.
"Yea I guess."
"So you're doing alright?"
"No. Not really," I groaned.
"Eh I'm not doing alright either, those kids over there hate me," He said pointing to a group of boys.
"Why do they hate you?"
"My friend is gay and they say that I am also gay. But i don't really mind though."
"I don't even have friends. Barely anyone talks to me," I say as my looked at all the other kids in the cafeteria.
"That must be nice."
"What is?"
"No one talking to you. I would feel better being left alone"
"Well it's kinda nice," I admit.
We kept talking for a long time and finally the lunch bell rang.

"Well I'll see you later!" I waved to him.
"See you later too. Um here is my phone number in case you'd like to call me sometime," he handed me a piece of paper. "Just don't spam me with phone calls."
"Lol I won't," I said as I tucked the paper into my pocket.

I went back to class and thought that maybe tripping over my shoelace isn't so bad. I don't want to do it again but at least somehonh good happened.

The end
I AM DONEEEEE!!! I'm too lazy to read it again so yea sorry if it sucksss xD.. Bob Dylan, Roger Taylor, and more requests coming up

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