Jon Bon Jovi #1

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For obsessedwithqueen 
"It will take along time!" ~ me.
*finishes writing in two days* aLso me.
The reason why I take long in writing is because I'm lazy and can't come up with ideas. Anyways I'm writing a lot today cause I feel motivated to do so :)

Devyn's POV
I wake up and make myself an iced coffee. I had a good nights sleep I guess even though I woke up feeling like shit. But I always feel like shit because waking up isn't fun. Oh well.

I opened the front door and saw my magazines out on the small chair in front of my house. I grabbed my magazines and got back inside. I sat down and drank my iced coffee as I read all the gossip going around.

I always read gossip magazines. Why? Well it's interesting seeing what type of drama goes on around here. By the way Many things happen that shouldn't even happen, so I make sure to read about that too.

I was just scanning through the magazine. Queen in live aid, I love queen but no. Let's see now we have Guns N Roses, boring... Roger Taylor is in love with his car.... interesting but no.
Then I saw something on the magazine that made me spit my iced coffee out.

Jon Bon Jovi, my friend (who I kinda have a crush on) is dating some brunette haired girl named Michelle Something something. I'm not even going to bother learning her last name. Anyways this Michelle girl is a model? Well now I'm jealous.

Jon and I are friends, and I have a small crush on him, and he decides to date some brunette model? Oh hell no, this isn't going to happen on my watch.

I finished drinking my ice coffee so I stood up and got dressed. I was going to see Jon today and confront him for this. However I wasn't going to just act like I went out to confront him, I'll act like I'm walking my dog, Swiffer (A/N: forgive me please xD) and then I'll confront him if I see him.

Perfect plan 😏

"Hey Swiffer! We're going on a walk today!" I call out. Swiffer comes down running and sits in front of me. I tie the leash to her collar and we walk out.

I walked past Jon's house. Hopefully he's at home, i would be disappointed if he weren't there.
Suddenly Jon went out the front door with his car keys in his hand.
"Hi Jon!" I screamed out to him.
"Hi Devyn!" He smiled and waved.
"so how's life been to you so far?" I asked.
"It's been fine. How about you"
"I've been doing alright. So how's your new girlfriend?" I said bitterly.
"What new girlfriend?"
"Umm Michelle? That brunette model."
"How did you find out about her?"
"I read about it on my magazine. You got a girlfriend and you didn't even tell me!" I said jealously.

"Well, I didn't want to tell you," he says.
"Oh and why not?"
"Because I- I- I- I like you..."
I couldn't believe these weirds. He seemed as if he were lying to me but hey! it's not everyday that my crush tells me he likes me! So I'm just going to say that he actually does like me.
"And I Like you too!" I said excitedly.

And of course we kissed....

Then we got married, had children, and lived happily ever after

The End!

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