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So like I've gone one month without updating this book

The main reason is because of school and how time consuming it is. I used to write one shots at night, but now I don't because I go to sleep and wake up earlier than I used to. During the daytime, my time is taken up by school, homework, late work I haven't done, projects, tests, and all that shit. I do have freetime at some points, but I spend it by doing other things instead of writing, reading, or using this app. School has honestly killed my motivation for reading and writing which is why I rarely do it anymore. I honestly just don't have the brain power to write anymore. 

The second reason is because I really hate when people request a damn one shot and never read it when I finally publish it. I even notify people when their one shot is done so they can go read it but sometimes I get ignored. That really pisses me off because I waste time, words, effort, and motivation to write a fucking one shot that the person it was intended for is never going to read. If you request something and don't want me to write it, then just cancel the damn request. I'm not going to be butt hurt or anything and I would rather have people cancel requests instead of never reading it when it's finally out. 

Those are the reasons I haven't been updated this book. The next time I'll update will either be:
1. Thanksgiving Break gets here
2. During Christmas break
3. If we have online school again
4. When my motivation suddenly comes back
5. Next summer
6. Never

Anyways yea. That's all I wanted to say. Feel free to leave requests but they most likely won't be out until the next hundred years.


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