Paul McCartney #1

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Y/N, Paul, and John were a best friend trio. They'd always hang out and do many things together, but there were moments when John would feel left out of the trio. It all started when Paul began to realize that he prefered Y/N over John. As a friend, as a person, and as a lover.

John had a big crush on Paul, and he even ended up revealing his feelings. Paul felt honored and surprised, but he had to reject him. He didn't feel the same for him, and he just wasn't into men. John felt heartbroken but he understood and backed off a bit from the trio. They were still good friends, but he started to notice that each time Y/N and Paul were getting closer and closer. Something was going on. 

John wasn't going to mention it though. He refused to let Paul know about his jealousy.

Paul looked over at his calendar and realized that he had Saturday off. This means he can go out, party, or do whatever he'd like that day. He grabbed the phone and called up Y/N to tell him his plans for Saturday night.

"Hello?" y/n asked after she picked up the phone. 

"Hey! It's me, Paul. I wanted to know if you'd like to go out and eat dinner this Saturday night."

"Yeah, that sounds alright to me. Is John gonna be there too?"

"No, it's just the two of us."

"Sounds great. I look forward to it."

"Alright! I'll pick you up Saturday night around 7!" Paul said happily through the phone and threw it across the room. 

He was so happy and jumping with joy that he needed to tell someone about it. He dialed John's number and called him to rant about what just happened. John gave half-ass responses by yawning or only saying "uh huh" and "yeah." Paul didn't notice his lack of interest and continued talking. John decided to just hang up and cry himself to sleep as Paul continued talking without realizing that he just got hung up on. 

Saturday night finally arrived. Paul combed his hair in front of the mirror and made several poses. "Looking good," he said to himself. He was ready for a night of fancy dinner, and a night of making y/n his girlfriend. 

He drove over to y/n's house which was located in the middle of nowhere. He set his car on park and walked up to the front door like a gentleman and rang the doorbell. Y/N opened the door wearing a Beach Boys shirt and casual clothing.

"So.... aren't you going to change?" Paul asked awkwardly.

"No. I'm fine going out like this."

"Alright, let's go then," he said and walked her to his car. He didn't want to pressure into changing, but it also wasn't the ideal outfit he expected for their date night.

He drove to his favorite restaurant which he considered to be the perfect place for a "date night."

"You may order anything you like. Even the expensive food. Dinner's on me tonight," Paul said as he waits for Y/N to be impressed of his wealth. Rather she wasn't interested in his money at all. She wasn't even interested in him either. The only reason she agreed to this date was because he asked her out. It's not like she liked him as more than a friend or anything. That would be ridiciculous. 

Paul began to feel frustrated because he didn't know how to impress her. Being a gentleman wasn't working at all either. The waiter finally came in and took their order. Paul ordered a bottle of champagne and a large salad, while y/n ordered a cheap beer and pasta. Their food didn't take too long to arrive since the restaurant was a bit empty that night. 

"So, what would you like to do on this date we're on?" Paul says as he takes a bite of his salad.

"This isn't a date. We're just eating dinner tonight," y/n affirms and cringes at the word "date."

"To me, this is a date."

"To me, it is not."

Paul didn't want to stop there though. He was determined that he and y/n would get together that night. There's no possible way that she didn't like him back. 

"Listen. What would you think if we became a couple? I'd be your boyfriend and you'd be my girlfriend."

"Oh, no way!"

"Come on! I love you and you're literally just pushing me away! Am I not good enough for you?"

"No, I just don't love you like that. I'm leaving, goodbye," Y/N said as she walked out into the darkness of the night. She called a cab and went straight home. She didn't want to deal with any of this romance nonsense. 

Paul was frustrated at her sudden disappearance. He tried to put in as much as effort as he could into this night just for his date to end up ditching him? This wasn't how things were supposed to go. He paid for his food and left the restaurant shortly after. While he was drifting asleep, the phone rang. 


"Hey, it's Y/N. I'm really sorry about tonight. It was pretty rude of me to ditch our date. I should've tried to have been nicer."

"It's alright. I shouldn't have tried to push romance onto us. I wasn't very considerate about your feelings and I was only really thinking about myself. I guess I just wanted to impress you, but it didn't work."

"Yeah, I kind of noticed. I'll make it up to you though. How about we have a do-over and go dinner tomorrow night? Just the two of us. No romance or anything, just a platonic date."

"That'd be pretty great. Pick you tomorrow at 7."


"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Paul. I'll see you tomorrow."

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