Stevie Nicks #1

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For maleksrami
This one shot is mainly for bisexual and LGBTQ+ girls. You can still read it if you aren't a girl or part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Stevie Nicks and I have been the bestest of friends ever since we were 6 years old. We met at school in 1st grade on the playground and have hung out ever since. We grew up, told each other everything, and went through our toughest moments together. I've only ever thought of Stevie as one thing, a friend. 

Over the years, I began to feel a small attraction towards her. I began to notice it in high school whenever guys would flirt with her, she'd smile and let out a really pretty laugh. I would always shake off the feeling, but soon my small attraction grew a bit more. My feelings for her became clear on the day when she got her first boyfriend. I remember having felt extreme jealousy, but I couldn't figure out why. Was it because I didn't have my own boyfriend or was it because I wanted her to be my girlfriend?

The answer became pretty clear, but I didn't tell her how I felt. I kept it all to myself because I was scared of potentially damaging our friendship. 

During that time period, I began to learn more about myself and came to the conclusion that I liked girls. I wasn't really sure if I was lesbian or bisexual, but I knew I wasn't straight. However, I didn't have the courage to tell her that either. 

It has been a couple of years since then, but I still have those feelings for Stevie. I still haven't come out of the closet yet though. 

Today, me and Stevie decided to head to the park and hang out for a while. It was a pretty day outside and the weather was nice for once. We sat on the bench and looked at our surroundings.

"I broke up with Lindsey last week," she brought up after a few minutes of silence.

I was a bit a shocked and enthusiastic about the news, but I hid my feelings of excitement and attempted to be empathetic. It was her first break up afterall.

"What happened?"

"We've been having many disagreements lately. I also began to feel like he didn't love me or something. So we broke up last week but I didn't really want to tell anyone. You're the first person I've told."

"Oh, are you feeling better now though?"

"Yeah, it was pretty tough the first few days after the break up, but I have been feeling a lot better now."

"That's good, I know you'll get over it soon and find someone else. You're a strong independent women," I said and we let out a small chuckle.

"So, what's been up with you lately? Anything interesting?" she asked.

"Not much has happened. I do something to tell you though. Something I've never told anyone else before," I said. 

"What is it?"

I took a breathe and tried to relax myself. I can do this!  She's my best friend, and she deserves to know the truth. We tell each other everything. 

"I had a crush on you back in high school, and I still do. I never told because you were dating Lindsey, and I was pretty sure that you didn't like girls. I know you probably don't like me back the same, but I felt like I need to tell you this. I was pretty scared that this would ruin our friendship," I said nervously. 

She looked at me in shock. "I've always had a small crush on you too. It was one of the reasons Lindsey and I broke up."

I couldn't believe my ears. She actually liked me back. I felt my heart beat a thousand beats per minute. 

"So, you like me back?"

"No. You like me back," she said and she kissed me. 

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