Brian Jones #2

869 21 8

For Memphis_Granday  ♡

5 o' clock and Brian was still playing his sitar after playing it for 7 hours. He had been playing ever since he woke up at 10am, and he hasn't done anything else all day. Y/N didn't mind him playing it. It was beautiful music he was making, and she knew that he it was something he enjoyed doing. But what she didn't like was that it was the only thing he was doing. She felt left out since he hadn't said much to her all day. However, she didn't want to distract Brian from his playing so she decided to just wait until he's finished, even if it would probably take him all day.

All she wanted to do was cuddle with him and do wholesome things, but she didn't want to bother him.

About 45 minutes later, she went back into the living room to see if he had finally finished but he didn't. He was still playing so she sighed and decided to take a shower. Maybe after that, he would finally be done.

After her shower, she came out again and peeked her head into the living room. He still wasn't done so she went into the closet to get dressed. By the time she came out, he already had his sitar placed next to him and he was taking a drink of water.

"Brian, you sounded lovely playing," y/n said as she sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you, sweetheart," he said and pressed his lips against her neck, leaving a small kiss there. She left a few kisses on his cheek and played with his hair gently.

"Brian, can I ask you something?" she asked as she left a small kiss on his lips

"Of course, ask me anything," he said as he rubbed her shoulder gently.

"Can we cuddle? I've been wanting to do it all day?" 

"Of course, we can cuddle anytime you'd like, darling," he said as he stood up from the couch and picked her up bridal style, taking her to the bedroom and lying her down on the bed. They hugged each other and spent the rest of the night cuddling in the dark.

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