Roger Taylor #1

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Happy Valentine's Day :)

(Y/F/B/M) means your favorite member of the Beatles and you can figure out the rest.
If you don't like the Beatles than just replace with some other band- lol

It's Valentine's Day and you were walking down the streets holding your boyfriend Roger's hand. You were going to have your first date today but you didn't know where you were going. Roger knew but he wanted to keep it a surprise. Why spoil it?

Suddenly you come to a stop in front of the coffee shop. You guys walk in and sit down at a table. "This place is beautiful" you say looking at the Valentine's Day decorations.

"I knew you'd like it" Roger says smiling as he takes your hand that is placed on the table. He starts to rub it but stops when the waiter comes to your table.

"What would like to order?" He asks holding a notebook.

"Caramel frappucino" Roger says.

"What about you?" The waiter asks.

"I would like a caramel frappucino too" you say because you didn't think about what you were going to order.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah I'd like some chocolate chip cookies" Roger says.

The waiter leaves and now you two are alone again. You wanted to kiss Roger for the first time today, but you couldn't decide at what time to do so.

"So what going on with you today?" Roger asks.

"Not much"

"Oh, well not much is going on with me either," he shrugged and then you two got into a conversation.

Somehow the conversation escalated to the part where you guys ended up talking about how much you love Beatles.

"(Y/f/b/m) is my favorite member. He's so amazing!!" You say.

"Do you have a thing for (y/f/b/m) or do you just like his music?" Roger says staring in to your eyes.

"I just like his music, why would I have a thing for him?" You say laughing. Hopefully Roger wasn't jealous and was just joking.

"Just a question," Roger says blushing. He thinks it's adorable when you laugh.

Suddenly the waiter comes and leaves your cappuccinos on the table along with Roger's cookies. "Enjoy!" He says as he leaves.

"You can get some cookies if you want to, I bought them for you," Roger says as he puts the cookies in the middle of your table.

You love cookies so of course you get some. You take one cookie from the table and take a bite out of it. The taste of the cookie remind you that you need to kiss Roger for the first time. Who knows maybe Rogers lips will also taste like the cookies, you think as you drink your frappucino.

"This tastes really good! How do you know about this place?"

"Brian told me that he bought his former girlfriend, Mary here. So I thought I would bring you here too," he says.

"That's cool."

Then you lean closer to his face, this was going to be your first time to ever kiss Roger! Roger leans in too and your lips almost touch until you hear the waiter cough.

You pull away in disappointment and sigh. Why did the waiter have to come at this specific moment? You were almost going to kiss Roger but then the waiter came and ruined everything. You were embarrassed as Roger gave him his credit card.

The waiter left and came back to give Roger his credit card.

You guys walk out of the coffee shop, Roger was alright, but you were disappointed since your plans were ruined by the waiter. You hid your disappointment so Roger wouldn't notice.
You guys talked about random stuff again and now ended up talking about Led Zeppelin, one of your favorite bands.

"I love (y/f/LZ/m) he is so amazing and everything he does is awesome"

"You don't have a thing for (y/f/Lz/m) either or do you?" Roger asks suspiciously

"Why do you think that I have a thing for (y/f/b/m) and (y/f/lz/m)?" You ask, laughing.

"Nothing, I'm just joking"

Roger decided to drop you off at your house. You guys talked a lot about Led Zeppelin and Beatles that you forgot all about the kiss you were going to give him.

"I really loved spending time with you (Y/N) you were amazing and I would like to go out with you some other day," Roger says and kisses you before you can say anything back.

You kiss him back and say,"I love you roger"
"I love you too, (Y/n)" he says as he hugs you and leaves.

You walk inside your house feeling happy. Today really was a beautiful day. You go to bed that night and dream about Roger

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