Brian May #3

914 11 1

For jaymzthelion

Brian's POV

Sofia is the one who I always thought of as my best friend. Of course, I had other friends such as Freddie, Roger, and John but none of them meant as much to me as Sofia did. Unfortunately we couldn't exactly hang out everyday except for the several phone calls we made due to her living in Brazil and me living in London. Luckily, she often came to London to visit me, which made me really happy. 

I was hoping that we could spend this weekend together. Not just because I love hanging out with her but because I want to tell her something truly important. I was too shy to tell her through phone calls, plus it wouldn't mean as much if I told her that way.

I picked up the phone and dialed her number to tell her to come visit me. I waited for a few minutes and she finally picked up on the other line. "Hello ?" I heard her sweet voice say. 

"Sofia, hello! How are you today? " I said cheerfully.

"I'm doing great, Brian! How's it going for you?" 

"Everything is alright. I'm happier now that I'm talking to you though,"  I said and I could hear her shyly laugh.

"The real reason I'm calling is because I want you to come visit me this weekend. I would really like to spend time with you this weekend," I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"Oh, Brian. I would love to go visit you but I can't. My family is currently going through trouble so I won't be able to go. I'm sorry," she said as her voice dropped.

"It's alright! I understand," I said, dissapointed due to how my plans were now ruined.

"Yea... I have to go now, I'm sorry again and goodbye, " she said and we hung up. I sighed and looked out the window, hopeless over how my plans for this weekend were ruined. 

I was really hoping we could be together for the weekend and that I could finally tell her what I've been wanting to tell her for so long. Unfortunately her issues ruined my plans and it just couldn't be done. It wasn't her fault and I couldn't blame her. I just wish there could be some way the two of us spend some time together.

Suddently, a good idea popped up in my head. She may not be able to come to me but I could go to her. Afterall, I'm allowed to travel to other countries and I didn't have anything important to do here anyways. I immideately bought myself a plane ticket for Brazil and packed up my things. I couldn't wait for this awesome weekend to come.

Sofia's POV

A few days ago, my best friend, Brian called and asked if I could go visit him in London this weekend. But unfortunately, my family is having making me stay here in Brazil due to economic complications and other type of family problems. I would've loved to go visit Brian but instead I'm stuck here. 

I went to the living room couch and lied down to take a nap. There wasn't much to do and I all I really wanted to do at the moment was sleep. I was starting to drift off but then the door rang which caused me to wake up. 

We weren't expecting any visitors or anyone so I was curious over who it could be. I walked to the front door and opened it only so my jaw could drop it shock.

It was Brian

"Brian! You don't know how happy I am to see you!" I screamed happily as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm happy to see you too! I know you couldn't come to London so I decided to come to Brazil instead," he said.

"I'm glad you came. I was really sad that we could't spend time together this weekend," I said.

"Well now we could spend some time together. Let's go to the beach and hang out there," he said.

"Of course! Let me just write a note for my mother for when she comes back home," I said as I took a small piece of a paper and a pen and wrote something down, leaving the small note on the kitchen counter.

"Alright, now we can go," I took his arm and we went to one of the nearby beaches.


We had been playing in the beach for 2 hours already. We threw sand and water at each other for fun and I would sometimes push him into the water. We got tired eventually so we sat a small table and observed our surroundings.

"I really enjoyed this day with you," Brian spoke up as he took my hand and held it.

"I really enjoyed this day too. Spending time with you is the best," I said and smiled.

"Listen, I don't know if you feel the same way but I love you, Sofia. I love you more than a friend," he declared, taking me by surprise.

"Brian,,, I love you too in that way," I said and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"You do?"

"Yes! I've felt that way about you for a long time but I didn't want to tell you," I blushed.

"You should've told me sooner," he joked and we stood up from the tables and lied down on the beach mats instead.

"I'm glad that you're my boyfriend now," I said as I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled him.

"and I'm glad you're my girlfriend too,"

The two of us spent the night at the beach, cuddling each other, and sleeping together for the first time. It was an amazing experience and probably the best night ever.

//sorry if this was trash! I hope you enjoy it 

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