John Deacon #2

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For Sirena_Black
I'm sorry for being late on this.

Deaky's POV
I have a crush on this one girl. Well, its not just a crush because Im in love with her and I've been that way since the first time i saw her. Unfortunately, she's Roger's twin sister and I am pretty sure that Roger won't be happy with me being his sister's girlfriend. Roger is one of my best mates along with Freddie and Brian. We've been friends for a long time and I don't want a girl to cause us to break up. 

Her name is Sirena Taylor. She looks kind of similar to Roger but her personality is kind of different from his from what I've seen. She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen and im in love with her.

I needed to tell someone about her so i went to Freddie and Brian since I couldn't go to Roger.
"Hey guys I need to tell you something but please don't mention any of this to Roger," I said to them.
"Alright but why don't you want us to tell Roger? Is it about your crush on his sister?" Freddie said. 
"Wait, how did you know about my crush on Sirena?"
"Deaky, it's pretty obvious that you are in love with her. We've seen how you act around her and how you look at her. Its obvious to many of us except Roger or Sirena herself of course," Brian said.
"Well, yes, I am in love with her and I want to ask her out but Im scared to do so. I don't know how Roger is going to react when he realizes that i asked his sister out and I'm afraid that she's going to reject me."
"I don't think that Roger's going to mad. In fact he might be happy that one of his best friends is dating his sister instead of some stranger," Freddie said as he inhaled the smoke of his cigarette.
"And I don't think she'll reject you either. You seem like a great guy so there will be no reason why a girl should reject you," Brian says.
"Wow. Thanks guys. I think I'll ask her out... tonight," i said.
Freddie stood up and clapped, "Thats my boy! Brian and I will help you get ready for tonight. We'd do anything for one of our best mates."

I smiled and hugged them. I feel kind of better about this now after talking to them. I grabbed the phone, dialed her number, and called her.

Sirena's POV
I was busy playing around with Roger's drums until I heard the phone ring. I dropped his drum sticks and ran over to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey! um, this is me, John Richard Deacon, also know as Deaky. um, how are you today?"
"Oh, im alright. I was playing around with Roger's drums until you called me. How about you? Are you doing alright?" 
"Yea, Im doing great. I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go out on a date with me. You know, just the two of us." 
"Sure! I'm available tonight if you want to go tonight."
"then tonight will do! I'll pick you up around 7pm."
"Okay! Bye!"
"Bye!" he said and he hung up.

I wasn't expecting this. One of Roger's best friends asked me out on a date. I'm kind of nervous, I don't know what to wear or what to say either since I've never been on an actual date before. I needed help. Maybe I'll ask Roger when he comes home. 

Deaky's POV
I was so happy. I asked Sirena out and she accepted to go on a date with me. I put the phone back where it was and ran up to Freddie and Brian.
"She said yes!" I said happily.
"Congratulations darling! I wish luck for the both of you!" Freddie said and hugged me. 
"Now we should go pick out the clothes you're going to wear!" Brian said as he dragged me over to the closet. 

He picked out a formal outfit and handed it to me. I went to the bathroom and changed into the outfit and came out. They both gave me a thumbs up so I knew that I was good to go. 
"Remember to be yourself. Goodluck and bye!" Brian said and they both waved at me as i left. I got in my car and drove to Sirena's house.

Sirena's POV
I was busy getting ready when i heard Roger walk in. I was happy to see him because I was excited to tell him the news. 
"Hey Roger!" I said as he walked in.
"Hello! I see that you're getting all fancy. Where are you going tonight?" he said smiling.
"Oh Im going on a date! Im so excited yet nervous."
"Thats nice. Who are you going on the date with?" he asked.
"Im going with-" I started and i heard the door knock. I realized that this must be Deaky ready to pick me up and take me out. I stood up and ran to the front door and opened it to reveal a smiling Deaky.

"Are you ready?" he asked shyly.
"Of course," I said taking his hand and walking out. Roger was standing a few feet behind me so i waved goodbye at him. He waved back but I could tell that he wasn't exactly smiling. I don't know whats up with him but Im glad that Im going to the date.

I was eating breakfast in the dining room and I saw Roger walk in. He yawned and made himself a cereal. 

"Good morning Roger."
"good morning."
"How are you?"
"Im alright I guess." He said.

We were silent for a few minutes until Roger spoke up. 
"How was your date last night?" he said not sounding happy or pleased at all.
"It was awesome! I had a great time with Deaky. He seems like a such a nice guy." I smiled at the thought of him. 
"Oh. Well Im glad you had fun.. i guess," he said and left.

I don't know whats up with him but he was acting kind of strange today.

Deaky's POV
"Why did you ask Sirena out without my permission?" Roger said angrily through the phone. 
I didn't know what to answer so i just said, "I didn't know that I needed permission to ask your sister out! Im sorry"
"Don't ever fool around with her! The only thing you want to do is go out with her once just to break her heart at the end!" 
"Thats not what i what i was doing! I asked her out because Im in love with her! I've been in love with her since the first time i saw her and I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid that you wouldn't be happy with me dating your sister. I told Freddie and Brian about this and they convinced me to ask her out. Im sorry, i should of told you," i said feeling guilty inside.
"Deaky, you should of just told me. I wasn't going to be mad and Im kind of glad that you are the one dating her. She seems to like you and I think that you would make a great couple. Sorry for getting mad at first."
"So, we're good now?"
"Of course. You can go out with Sirena any time you'd like!" he said.
"Really? Thanks!" I said and hung up.

Sirena and I became a couple and everyone was happy for us. I was glad that I asked her out or else I would of never been with the girl of my dreams

The end

Im sorry it suckss.

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