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"put your face on
and smile when they talk to you
It's not too hard
show complete disregard"


*Emily's Point of View*

"I still can't believe you gave him your Snapchat and your number!" Carly continued to cheer about as we parked at the front of my house.

"He asked for it so I gave it to him. It's not a big deal" I said shrugging my shoulders and unbuckling my seat belt.

"You have to Snapchat him when you get inside, I want to see his face" she squealed as we made our way up the long driveway and inside.

"Good afternoon Miss Rose and Miss Reeves" the front door security guard spoke with a nod.

"Afternoon" I said with a smile before we made our way up the stairs towards my bedroom.

"Ahh I love your bed, it's massive" she said jumping on it and lading on her stomach.

"Yeah perks of your dad being the president of the United States and making us live in the White House" I said making her roll her eyes playfully.

I slid my phone out of my pocket, turning it on to see a few notifications on my home screen, one particular notification standing out.

shawnmendes1 has added you as a friend!

Shawn Mendes huh?

I smiled entering the app, quickly adding him back.

"So when do you get this new body guard? Before or after we leave for Los Angeles?" She asked curiously picking up a random gossip magazine and flicking through it.

"I'm not to sure, I'd assume before because there's no way my dad would let me on a 6 hour flight across the country alone" I said making her chuckle.

"That's true" she agreed.

My phone vibrated in my hand, making me glance at the Snapchat notification I'd got.

from shawnmendes1

I looked up to see Carly in depth into some Justin Bieber article so I decided to quickly open his Snapchat.

I giggled making Carly's head snap up from the magazine and look at me curiously, one eyebrow raised

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I giggled making Carly's head snap up from the magazine and look at me curiously, one eyebrow raised.

"What're you giggling about?" She asked squinting her eyes at me.

"Oh. Just saw this funny picture on Instagram" I said looking back down at the photo of Shawn hoping she'd leave it.

I glanced up out of the corner of my eye to see she had continued to read the magazine.

I bit my lip as I examined the photo. He looked extremely attractive.

What do I say back?

Personal Body Guard - (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now