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"You and I used to walk the streets at night
Our parents didn't know, kept the TV going
And left on all the bedroom lights"


*Emily's Point Of View*

"I wish you could stay for longer" Karen said hugging me tightly as Shawn and I said our goodbyes.

"Me too, I'm really sorry. But we'll definitely be back before ya' know it" I said shooting her a comforting smile.

This was probably really hard for her. The last time her son left, he never came back.

"Take good care of him for me?" She asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course" I said smiling at her.

"Mom, I'm the one suppose to be looking after her" Shawn's voice popped in.

"So... doesn't mean I can't take care of you as well" I said playfully nudging him making him smile and chuckle lightly.

"Alright we should probably head off now" I said glancing at my phone to see that the plane was supposed to be leaving in an hour.

"Okay darling, I'll see you soon hopefully" she said before hugging me tightly.

"We will, bye Karen" I said hugging her back before waiting for Shawn to say his goodbye.

We had said goodbye to Aaliyah and Manny last night because Aaliyah had school and Manny had work. Karen stayed home to send us off.

"I'll call you when I land" she said before peppering kisses all around his face. "Mom" he whined pulling his face away from hers.

"Sorry, I love you" She said hugging him one last time. I smiled at the love she had for him. If only my father had some of that.

"I love you too mom" he said before taking a step out the front door. I waved at her before heading towards the taxi that had been waiting there for several minutes.

"Sorry for the wait, just to the Toronto Pearson International Airport please" I said as Shawn and I buckled ourself in.

He nodded before beginning to drive.

I glanced out the window watching the Canadian styled homes go past, when I felt a hand on the inside of my thigh.

I glanced up seeing Shawn looking at me with a small smile.

"I'm really sorry for my initial reaction" he repeated making me roll my eyes.

"Shawn it's okay! I promise. I understand where you were coming from at the time" I admitted placing my hand on top of his, giving it a small squeeze.

"Thank you so much for all of this. I know it wasn't a long trip but really... thank you Em" he said his beautiful eyes staring deeply into mine.

"It's no worries, anything to make you happy" I said making him smile widely.


"Isn't it weird that we've both met each other's family yet no one knows about us?" I asked curiously as I traced my fingers over his tattoo on his hand.

We had landed a few hours ago and now we're just cuddling in bed, a now empty pizza box surrounding us as 'the breakfast club' played on the Tv.

"Yeah I suppose so. I'm surprised no one has found out yet" he said as his hand ran up and down my arm.

I nodded continuing to watch the students all laugh about how Brian tried to kill himself with a flare gun. Suicide was a sensitive topic but somehow it was funny.

"How'd you like meeting my family?" He said breaking the comfortable silence between us.

"I really liked them... Your mom was so sweet and funny. I wish you'd let her show me your baby pictures. I'm sure you were adorable" I said poking his cheek, making me giggle.

"Your dad was also so sweet, and hilarious. I wish my dad was like him" I admitted letting out a low sigh.

"And Aaliyah. Oh my god. She is so sweet and adorable. I literally love her. I wish she was my sister" I said making Shawn chuckle.

"Well... maybe one day she will be" He said softly. My cheeks tinted a bright red as I looked up at him to see him staring right back at me.

"I don't want to be with anyone else" I whispered not breaking eye contact.

"Neither" he replied pushing a piece of hair behind my ear, letting his hand linger on my cheek.

"I love you a lot Em" he admitted leaning forward.

"I love you too Shawn... more than I can comprehend" I replied pushing my body forward so my lips softly pressed against his.

I rested my palm against his chest as we continued to kiss, our lips finding one another's. Every time we kissed I felt a rush of excitement go through me. He never failed to create a rush of butterflies in my stomach and a fuel of electricity in my veins.

"I never want to loose you" he whispered resting his forehead against mine, his eyes shut softly.

"You won't loose me" I whisper back before pressing my lips to his forehead.

He let out a breath before a small smile rose to his lips. I snuggled back into his chest as he pulled me close to him again.

This is how I wanted to go to sleep for the rest of my life. With him right beside me.

Just laying next to one another, listening to the best of his heart. Closing my eyes and falling asleep in your arms as I forgot the world around us.


A/N: HAPPY FREAKING 21ST BIRTHDAY SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES!! I'm so fucking proud of how far he's come for just a 21 year old it's actually crazy. I was extremely tired during this chapter so I'm not sure if it's good or not but I needed to update because it's my baby's birthday. Anyway it's about to get fucking hectic so be prepared lovelies ;) xx

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