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"But nothing is better sometimes
Once we've both said our goodbyes
Let's just let it go
Let me let you go"


*Shawn's Point Of View*

The bottom of my shoe smashed straight into the wooden door, doing no justice just making a loud sound.

I grunted before slamming my shoulder into the door, only to bounce back off it with the sound of another loud bang.

I groaned loudly in frustration and angst as I slammed my shoulder into the door one last time, the wooden material flying of its hinges.

I held my gun up firmly as I glanced around the dark room. I yanked down on the string light that hung from the roof, light filling the room.

There she was. Laid flatly on the ground with her hands held above her head. It took me a while to realise that she was tied up.

My eyes trailed down her body to see her ripped blouse, denim shorts and torn undergarments being the only thing that protected her naked body from being exposed.

She laid there limply, her head tilted to the right so she was facing me. Her bottom lip was shaking lightly as her eyes stared blankly passed me. Her beautiful crystal eyes where now replaced with dull saddened eyes, that were now lazily opened.

I glanced over her body to see a guy around the same age as her buttoning his pants quickly.

Everything clicked. To her naked body and her dull eyes to this random stranger buttoning up his pants.

Before I had enough time to do or say anything his hand tightly wrapped around her neck yanking her up, her blouse managed to stick to her sweaty skin covering her top half and just above her thighs.

A gun was held to her temple as she limply laid there, her eyes continuing to stare straight through me.

"Emily! Baby... I'm here!... Emily!" I shouted desperately trying to snap her out of her trance but she didn't budge.

"Get the fuck off her now!" I screamed at the stranger who still held the gun to her temple.

He let out a chuckle, rolling his eyes as a cocky grin formed on his lips.

"Your fucking sick! Hand her over now you prick" I spat out taking a few steps forward towards the man.

He chuckled once again, except it slowly turned into a loud psychotic laugh.

"You really think I'm going to just hand her over..." he said laughing once again and I was beginning to get impatient and irritated.

I took another few steps forward making his grin slowly drop into a deep scowl. He shoved the tip of the gun further into her head letting out a growl.

"Take any more steps and I'll blow her brains out" he spat.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked, hatred dripping from my tone.

"I want two million dollars. Here. In a bag, in under an hour" he spat tightening his grip on her neck.

"In your dreams punk" I heard a voice behind me spit out.


This only angered the stranger as he shoved the gun into Emily's temple making her whole body jolt.

"Carl What the fuck. Give him the money!" I yelled puzzled to why he wasn't calling someone.

"Shawn we don't have two million dollars laying around" he said glaring at me slightly.

I looked at the ground deep in thought. I bit my lip harshly before looking up.

"I do" I said sternly making Carl looking at me as if I was crazy.

"What?" He asked, eyes wide at me.

"It's all my money I've saved since I started being a bodyguard. Give it to him. I don't give a fuck. I want her out of here safe" I spat at him.

"You heard the man. Give it to me" the stranger said as if it was obvious.

"You fucking dickhead. It's going to take a lot fucking longer than an hour to get two million dollars cash out" I spat facing back towards him.

"Transfer it" he spat as frown forming on his angry face.

I sighed, rolling my eyes before pulling my phone out.

My shaky hands hit my banking app as I glanced back up sadly at the limp unresponsive girl.

"Let her go now" I spat.

"Hand me the phone and I will transfer the money" he spat back making me scowl at him.

I slid my phone across the floor towards him as he grabbed it. He smiled at the number of digits on my screen as he began to tap furiously.

This was my chance;

Do I shoot him now while he's distracted by my phone? What if I hit Emily and I kill her?

I quickly placed my fingers on the trigger aiming it subtly at his stomach before pressing down harshly.

The bullet shot out of the gun and successfully straight into his stomach. He let out a groan, falling to the ground as Emily fell out of his arms and onto the ground beside him.

*Emily's Point Of View*

The feeling of my body hitting the ground woke me up from my paralysis as I let out a soft whimper.

What just happened?

I glanced up, my hearing being filled with the sound of loud intense ringing.

I must've been hallucinating because a familiar handsome face was now towering over me, a worried expression covering his face.

I blinked a few times to rid of the annoying loud ringing in my head as Shawn's calming voice filled my ears.

"Emily... fuck. Emily. I'm here baby. I'm here. You're safe baby girl-" he said before a loud bang echoed of the walls and Shawn's face of worry was now a face of pain.

My eyes squeezed shut tightly before reopening.

This wasn't a hallucination.

"Shawn" I whispered, my tears welling up in my eyes.

He looked down at his shoulder, my eyes directing to where he was looking. His shoulder.

His shoulder was now gushing with blood non-stop.

"Shawn" I said, sadness dripping from my tone.

"Em" he whispered, his hand reaching down to caress my cheek.

"I love you. I love you. I love you" he whispered pressing his forehead against mine as tears streamed down both of our faces.

"Your shoulder" I croaked out, my voice raw and scratchy from non stop screaming and no water for days.

"I-I don't. I don't care" he managed to get out, his eyes dropping slightly.

"Shawn" I said worriedly as he fell beside me.

"Shawn!" I croaked our as I watched the love of my life bleed out beside me. I tugged furiously on the ropes around my wrist once again as I laid there uselessly.

"Please... please s-Shawn. You c-can't. You can't leave me. P-please. Don't die on me. I love you" I sobbed out.


A/N: okay so I'm so sorry for not updating I've been seeing all your comments but I still have not gotten better. I literally am vomiting up black shit it's disgusting. But here y'all are <3 xx

Personal Body Guard - (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now