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"How 'bout these notions
Hmm, they're deep as ocean
Calling out my name
Screaming out in vain, Singing hallelujah"


*Emily's Point Of View*

It had been an hour since the sun rose and I had woken up. I had tossed and turned last night, waking up to images flashing in my mind of what happened.

I felt so terrible for those people that died. I took someone away from there families and loved ones. They would never be able to say goodnight to there mother again.

I sighed, not bothering to try get back to sleep again and grabbed my phone.

My sudden movement made Shawn groan in his sleep and wrap his arm around my waist and snuggle his head into my chest.

Shawn was presented as a strong, emotionless bodyguard but deep down he was a sweet, caring guy who just needed a hug sometimes.

I brushed my fingers through his hair as I scrolled through my Instagram, not many new posts being made as it was 7 in the morning.

I sighed, my curiosity growing inside me as I opened up my safari and began typing into my search tab; restaurant shooting Washington DC

My safari tab instantly filled with many newly posted news articles and YouTube videos.

I clicked the first link and read over the article.

Last night at 8:30pm, a gunman entered Washington's DC's restaurant - Zaytinya.

The armed ak47 man, shot 14 times in an attempt to attack the president of the United States daughter, Emily Rose.

In the midst of his attack, the gun man managed to hit and kill three citizens; Jeffrey Stone, an 84 year old elderly man, Miranda Turn, a newly legal woman and Thomas Benrein, a 7 year old boy.

I stopped reading letting out a loud gasp as I read the victims names. I was the reason someone's grandfather and father died, the reason why someone's sister and daughter died. The reason why someone who hadn't even lived his life yet died.

He was only 7 years old and his life was already over.

"Why are you reading that?" Shawn huskily said grabbing my phone and switching it off.

"Emily. Don't read that" he said sitting up to awaken himself.

"Sorry" I whispered my eyes becoming blurry from the tears that filled them.

After a few moments of silence he pulled me into his chest.

"Please em. Please don't do that to yourself. There's nothing you could've done to prevent that from happening. It is not your fault" he said softly rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"Shawn... a little boy died. He didn't even live his life" I whispered, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry" he said running his thumb along my cheek collecting my tear.

"Darling, it's not your fault. It's not okay?" He said making me look at him.

"Repeat after me; it is not my fault" he said sternly.

"Shawn I-" , "say it Em".

I sighed looking down at my fingers. "It's not my fault" I whispered.

"Now start believing it. You didn't walk in and shoot. You weren't the one who killed those people. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was absolutely nothing you could've done to change that" he said rubbing the back of my head.

I nodded my head in acceptance.

No matter where I was, this gun man would've been there and started a shoot up.

As selfish as it seemed, my family could've died, Shawn could've died, I could've died. And I'm grateful that that didn't happen. So grateful.

"I'm so glad I didn't loose you" I whispered into his neck.

"Your never going to loose me" he said leaving a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you for being here and staying the night" I said snuggling further into his neck.

"Anything for you baby" he whispered.


"Call me as soon as you land honey" my mom said pulling me tightly against her chest. I hugged back equally as tight, realising that you could loose someone at anytime and not even know that this could be your last goodbye.

"I love you mom. I'll call you when I land" I said hugging her one last time before following Shawn to the private airplane.

I glanced back seeing her walk away with many security guards around her.

I was glad she was safe.

I walked up the stairs, Shawn carrying my bag as he followed me up the steps.

I walked in and instantly flopped down on the seat.

Shawn stood in aisle beside my seat, placing my bags into the overhead compartment. I glanced at him, my eyes running over his tensing muscles and down to his shirt that rises up a bit to expose some of his skin.

He took a seat beside me grabbing my hand.

"Your okay?" He asked looking into my eyes with worry.

"I'm fine now" I said with a genuine smile. I was so glad I had this guy to not only protect me but to just be with me because his presence alone was enough to make me happy.

"It's crazy, last time we were leaving Washington you hated me" I said with a giggle making him frown slightly.

"I didn't hate you... I was just angry at the fact I wasn't allowed to have you" he said straight forward.

"To have me?"

"Yeah. You intrigued me and it made me irritated that I couldn't pursue anything with you" he said lacing our fingers together.

My lips turned and a smile was wide across my face. My emotions got the better of me and I leaned across the arm rest and pressed my lips against his.

I caught him by surprise but his eyes slowly shut and he kissed me back. His tongue slipped into my mouth against mine as we slowly kissed.

"This is your captain speaking, We will now be departing Washington DC and will be arriving in Los Angeles in approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes. Thank you" the intercom spoke make me jump away from Shawn in shock.

"It's the intercom not your father" he said pressing his lips against mine once again.

I smiled kissing him back.


A/N: kind of just a filler but it's getting better I feel. I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH for the increase in comments and votes and VIEWS. like holy shit I was at 1k views 1 week ago and now I'm on 13k views. I'm also #5 IN SHAWNMENDES. like. Yes please

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