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"It's getting harder to breathe
Chainsmoking your love
Can't be good for my sanity
Can't be good for my lungs"


*Emily's Point Of View*

The rest of the day was spent eating junk food and watching Netflix. Of course with a bunch of cuddling and kissing here and there.

It was kinda weird knowing that this was forbidden from my father and that I wasn't allowed to be doing this. It felt so right but wrong.

"What do you want for dinner?" Shawn asked as I laid against his chest my eyes fixated on the tv.

"I'm so full from all of our food I honestly don't think I could eat dinner" I said placing a hand over my bloated stomach. I felt like a whale.

I jumped off Shawn in shock from my phone blaring loudly from the kitchen counter.

I quickly got up and grabbed my phone, glancing down at the caller ID, to see my mom was calling.

"Hey mom" I answered cheerfully.

"Hey darling, just want to know how you and Shawn are doing since you were last here?" She asked.

"Yea we've been good. A lot better" I replied playing with a loose thread on my shirt.

"Guess what Thursday is?" She squealed in excitement. My eyes widened. Did I forget there anniversary? Was I supposed to be there on Thursday for another event? Thursday was in two days!

My mum took my silence as my unknowing. "It's your birthday!" She cheered.

"Oh right... yeah" I spoke softly hoping Shawn didn't hear.

I hated my birthday. I was all in for a party but not my own. I hated being the centre of the attention. It was just an awkward situation for me.

"So what're your plans? You're 20. You going out with Carly maybe?" She said giggling like a teenage girl.

"Mommm" I whined.

"Oh I'm only kidding... Would you be able to pass the phone to Shawn for two seconds darl" she said making my eyes widen.

"Uhh... what for?" I pester.

"Just some stuff your father wanted me to discuss with him" she said Cooly.

"Um.. I guess so" I said pulling the phone away from my ear.

"Shawn" I called making his head turn to face me, an eyebrow raised on his confused face.

"My mom wants to speak to you" I said making him stand up. I passed him the phone as I continued to stand beside him hopefully being able to hear what she was saying.

"Mhm... Yep... Yes No Worries... I can do that... I'll talk to you later Miss Rose... Oh Sorry Katrina... Goodbye" he said before hanging up the phone and passing it to me.

He smiled before making his way back to the couch.

"Sooo" I said sitting beside him on the couch.

"Yes?" He asked with a chuckle.

"What'd my mom say?" I squealed shoving him playfully.

"Just about some upcoming events for you in the next months" he said with a shrug.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why didn't my dad just call Shawn himself. I guess it was easier that she was already on the phone with me.

"Don't worry about it" he said pulling me back into his chest.

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