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"Tales of an endless heart
Curses is the fool who's willing
Can't change the way we are
One kiss away from killing"


*Emily's Point Of View*

I woke up to my alarm going off. I glanced at it seeing it was 6:00am. I must've been so drunk last night I forgot to turn it off for today.

I reached over to turn the irritating beeping off when I groaned loudly, pain rushing to my head.

"Fuck" I hissed, regretting last nights large intake of alcohol.

I laid back down my headache slowly fading as I drifted back off to sleep.


"Emily. Get up!" I heard someone yell making me groan and shoo them away.

"Emily you have class in one hour" Shawn said making my eyes slowly flutter open.

"I don't wanna' go" I spoke glancing up at him.

"Why did you go to that party last night. Something could've happened to you and I would've gotten into a lot of trouble" Shawn scolded crossing his arms over his chest. Not going to lie, he looked extremely hot when he was mad.

"I'm a college student. I'm obviously going to go to parties" I said standing up and pushing past him, heading towards the kitchen.

"Your also the president of the United States daughter. Anything could've happened. You only thought about yourself in that situation" he spat making me turn around. I was not dealing with his shit today.

"I'm just living my life!" I yelled back before grabbing an Advil and swallowing it quickly.

All of a sudden I felt myself being slammed against my kitchen cupboard. I looked up seeing Shawn extremely close as he glared at me and held my hands beside my head, unable to move them.

"Cut the shit babe, your parents hired me as your personal body guard so fuck up with the attitude..." he said letting go.

"Stop treating me like I'm a piece of shit. Talk to me with some respect and not like an asshole and then maybe I'll cut the attitude" I spat back.

"Ha. How about you talk with some respect, your acting like a 14 year old. Grow up" he hissed coming closer to me but I wasn't scared.

"Me Grow up? How about you grow-" I began to yell before I felt his lips smash against mine harshly. I couldn't resist melting into his lips, responding back instantly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hand resting on my hips as he pulled my chest against his.

Our lips moulded against one another's as we moved as one. His hands slowly moved down my back until his palms rested on my ass, giving it a good squeeze, making me gasp.

My fingertips slowly pulled on his curls tightly making him moan softly against my mouth.

The door bell suddenly rang making us jump apart. I patted my shirt down as Shawn walked over to the door swinging it open.

"Oh hi? Um is Emily still here?" The petit voice asked.

"Yea come in" he mumbled stepping aside for Rhylee to walk in.

"Hey, why are you here. Not saying you can't come here, just curious as to. Why. You are here?" I rambled on, nerves overtaking me of being in the same room as Shawn after our recent... encounter?

"Jeez someone's hungover. We have class in 40 minutes, I thought I'd give you guys a lift or something?" She asked making me nod furiously. Anything to get out of an awkward car ride alone with Shawn.

"I'll get ready now" I said rushing back into my room with a slam of my door. I huffed out loudly leaning back against the door.

I grabbed a pair of denim skinny jeans and a black hoodie throwing it over myself. I threw my hair into a messy bun before making my way back out into the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see Shawn sitting there in his typical black shirt and black jeans.

"Ready" I said grabbing my bag before following Rhylee outside and into the elevator.

"So what'd you get up to last night?" She asked acting as if we didn't go to a party and get absolutely blind drunk.

"He knows Rhylee" I said with a chuckle.

"Oh" she mumbled.

"Well last night was fun" she said with a cheerful smile.

I nodded agreeing with her, not really wanting to think about my large intake of alcohol as it made me sick.

She hopped in the front, myself in the passenger seat with Shawn in the back.

I buckled myself in and we began our drive to school.


"So is he mad?" Rhylee asked as we made our way down the halls, Shawn following behind but keeping his distance.

"He was Yeah... but we sorted it out. I guess?" I said not really knowing if us making out to stop from fighting really fell under sorting it out.

"Well that's good" she said as we walked into the classroom, pulling out our laptops and notebooks.

"Hey babe, got a pen I can borrow?" I heard a voice ask making me look up curiously.

It was that same cocky guy that Mr Thompson implied would be a drop out.

"Uhh. Yea" I said grabbing one from my bag before handing it to him.

"I'll give it back to you at the end Uh..." he said not finishing his sentence.

"Emily" I said with a smile.

"Thanks Emily, I'm James" he said with a cheeky grin.

He seemed like one of those guys who was the typical quarterback player who also played girls.

I smiled in response, not wanting to talk anymore as the teacher just walked in.

"So how about you and me, hang out sometime... minus all the class mates?" He asked with a smirk making me cringe.

"Uh no thanks" I said understand his intention of just wanting to sleep with me.

"Cmon darl. Just one time" he said reaching over to caress my cheek but a hand gripped his wrist tightly.

"I wouldn't touch her if I were you" Shawn spat throwing his arm back towards him.

"And who are you?" James asked glaring at Shawn.

"Her boyfriend. Now back off" he said shooting James a harsh glare making him roll his eyes and turn back to the front.

"Thank you" I whispered not looking at Shawn.

"No worries... girlfriend" he said, a smirk could evidently be heard as I blushed brightly.


A/N: gonna go add a few more characters to the characters chapter cos we got a few more now

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