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"To be drunk and in love in New York City
Midnight into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking"


*Emily's Point Of View*

We had almost arrived at the party, picking up Rhylee along the way who instantly also hit it off with Carly.

"I'm kind of nervous ya know'. First part of college and all. No familiar faces" I stated with a nervous smile.

"Yeah I am a little bit but I'm sure it'll be awesome!" She cheered making Carly cheer with her.


We got out of the car and began walking down the street. Tens on tens of cars were filling the street, the music could already be heard from here.

The house slowly came into view and it looked nothing like Washington high school parties. It was a mansion house, people making out and dancing at the front.

"This looks fucking amazing. Let's get hammered!" Rhylee said making me laugh as we followed her inside.

The aroma of weed, cigarettes, sweat and alcohol filled my nose. I scrunched my nose up in displeasure at the awful smell but had somehow gotten used to it over the years.

We pushed through the large crowd finally making our way to the massive kitchen where 5 massive coolers were filled to the brim with alcohol.

Rhylee quickly grabbed a bottle of vodka and a bottle of lemonade. She reached over the messy counter for three cups making us a heavy concoction of vodka and a bit of lemonade.

I sipped on my drink, it tasting like straight vodka with a tinge of sweetness from the lemonade added.

"Shots?" Rhylee yelled over the loud music as she filled three miniature cups to the brim before handing them to us as we downed them quickly.

"Sorry guys. Designated driver" she said taking a sip of her lemonade drink.

I cringed at the pureness of the vodka before slamming the cup back down for another making Rhylee cheer.


To say I was tipsy was the biggest understatement of the year. I was absolutely smashed. Hammered. Gone.

After the first two shots the memory slowly faded away of how many shots after I had taken just the familiar vision of slamming the cup down repeatedly for more.

I was now sipping on my 7th... or my 11th drink. Who knows? I'd lost Carly in the crowd to one of her hairstyling course friends.

"Come on let's dance" a slightly less wasted rhylee called out before pulling me to the dance floor.

We danced to the beat, sweaty bodies pushing into me from every direction that if I wasn't this drunk I would've left already.

I looked down at my phone seeing it was 2:49am and some common sense in me real deep down knew it was time to go home.

I texted Carly quickly asking where she was, her instantly replying that she would meet us at the front.

"Come on we have to go now" I yelled over the top of the music to Rhylee who nodded furiously.

We pushed through the crowd and struggled to make our way out the front door. You'd think as the later it got the less crowded it would be. But it was the total opposite. It was a little too crazy now to the point where you couldn't even move.

We walked out the door and searched for Carly who was hugging her friend goodbye.

"Oh my god, you guys are smashed" Carly said with a giggle.

"I'm tipsy. Maybe a lil' bit drunk. But her-" Rhylee started shoving her thumb in my direction. "She is gone" she finished making me laugh loudly.

"God Shawn is definitely going to kill you if he catches you" she said pulling me along to her car.

"H-he will nottt catch meee" I slurred out with a hiccup in between.

Carly just laughed and shook her head.

She buckled me into the front seat handing me a water bottle which I thankfully took.


"Okay, good luck. Please don't get caught" Carly said before hugging me tightly.

"Cya in class tomorrow" Rhylee said before pulling me into a hug as well.

"Yeppp. Maybe if I get caught I can get dickkkeddd down" I slurred making Carly chuckle and shake her head at what I'd said. She waved before driving off to Rhylee's house.

I stumbled inside the lobby and into the elevator, managing to press three floors along my way to the 12th.

After multiple stops on floors that I'd accidentally pressed, we had arrived at the 12th floor. I walked down the hallway pulling out my keys to unlock the door before swinging it open slowly.

To my mistake that was, as the door creaked loudly making me cover my mouth from giggles leaving. I quickly swung it open and shut it before tip toeing to my room.

I opened my bedroom door, shutting it softly before leaning against it with my eyes shut. I sighed happily that I hadn't gotten caught.

"Where were you?" I heard someone ask making my eyes shoot open to see Shawn sitting on my desk chair with his arms crossed, his muscles being seen clearly.

"Umm I was studying" I said managing not to slur but ending the sentence with a hiccup.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid" he said standing up and walking towards me.

I shrugged just wanting to get to bed.

"Who wears a face full of makeup to bed" he said with a sarcastic chuckle before glaring at me once again.

"I like to l-look pwetty for my dreaaams" I slurred out.

His eyes widened at my act reaching for my arm as I almost fell.

"Holy shit. You're so drunk" he mumbled under his breath before looking into my eyes.

"Your fathers going to kill me" he said pulling at his hair.

"Don't t-tell him t-then... and I. I-I won't t-tell himmm about our lil' kisss" I slurred caressing his cheek.

"Don't do that" he hissed pulling away.

"You need to go to sleep. Now" he said walking me to my bed.

"I need to changeeee" I said whining at he put me under my blanket.

He growled under his breath, not hearing what he said.

I pulled my dress over my head, my bra and underwear being on full display before pulling the covers up.

"Here's some makeup wipes" he said handing them to me.

I thanked him as I began to wipe off my already disgusting makeup.

"How was the party?" He asked surprising me that he was actually involving himself in conversation.

"It was superrrr funnn" I said with a giggle as I threw my makeup wipe in my bin nearby.

"Goodnight Em" He said making me smile up at him. He got up and looked down at me before glancing a soft kiss on my forehead. He left the room shutting the door behind him, his lips lingering on my forehead making me smile.

I slowly fell asleep that night with a smile set on my mouth.


A/N- yaya

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