Best Friend's Brother

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Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do
I know it's strange, I don't know what he's thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want her to know

Music played as you worked on your homework. You hummed along to the song as you solved some math problems. Your phone buzzed with text messages, but you didn't see it since the device was on your bed and you were sitting at your desk. Just as the song ended, your bedroom door opened. A boy your age walked in, smiling at you while he held up a box of pizza.

"Answer your phone" He smirked. You stared into his aqua blue eyes, a smile forming on your lips. He sat on your bed, placing the box down next to him. A new song played. "Are you listening to the soundtrack of that one American show again?"

"Don't judge me" You lowered the volume. "It's a good show".

"Whatever" He took a slice of pizza. You watched as the aqua blue tips of his hair fell just above his eyes, smiling as you remembered the feeling of how soft his hair felt while you dyed his hair. The way he grinned when he showed you that he learned how to do it himself. 

"Anyway, what's the occasion for the visit?" You got up and sat down on the bed, taking a slice. 

"I can't just visit my best friend?" He arched a brow. You rolled your eyes, both of you laughing. "In all seriousness, I just wanted to hang out"

You smiled. Luka Couffaine has been your best friend for what felt like forever. Both of you share a love for music and do everything together. You met him when you were small, so you were there for him for a lot of things. You were there when his sister Juleka was born, when he got his first guitar, and when his father passed. His mother treated you like another daughter and your parents treated him like a son. He and his sister felt like family. You were sure that they felt that way. But you didn't.

You don't remember exactly when you fell for him, but you remember your heart beating fast and your cheeks flushing red whenever you saw him. You loved the way he looked whenever he performed with his sister's band. Your heart swelled in joy when you found out that the two of you would be attending to same high school. You were excited to see him in some of your classes. By then, it was no secret that those around you would notice your crush on him. 

Juleka and his mom teased you whenever he wasn't in the room. Your parents would occasionally ask you if the two of you are dating - your mom has already decided to make him her son-in-law. Your friends would even mention that the two of you would make the perfect pair. Everyone knew. Everyone but Luka. 

"Lucien and Grace are having a party at their place tomorrow" The bluenette stared at you. "You want to go?"

"Sorry, I already got plans". He looked at you with an apologetic look. "I'm going ice skating with one of Juleka's friends tomorrow."

"Which friend?" You tilted your head. 

"Marinette" Luka smiled as the name escaped his lips. "The girl I told you about a month ago. The one that I gave my pick to".

"Ah... yeah, I remember now" You faked a smile. "Have fun".

You never met Marinette since you were out on a trip during that time, but you knew that Luka had taken a liking to her. He spoke about her with such admiration that you felt jealous. The girl is a year younger than you and already got Luka to notice her. You knew that Luka sees you like another sister, but it still hurts. You wished that you could hate someone you didn't know. But you can't bring yourself to it. So you just remained silent.

"Yeah, but tell me if Calixte does anything stupid" He laughed. You laughed along with him, nodding your head. "Sure thing"

After Luka left, you sat on your bed and looked at the texts you missed. Many were of Luka telling you that he was going to pick up some pizza, the rest were from your friends. The one that grabbed your attention was that of Juleka. 

Rose is wondering if you have some time to go over the new song she wrote for the band. 

Just as you were about to reply, you got a text from Luka. 

Thinking about making some new music. How about a jam session over video chat?

You smiled and began the call. The moment you saw his face, your smile grew. He sat down on his bed, his guitar already on his lap. You got off your bed, taking your phone, and sat down at your piano. The two of you spent a few hours thinking and writing new songs. Your parents had come home, saying a quick hi to Luka over the phone. Juleka had entered Luka's room to tell him about Rose's song when she noticed you. "Hey, did you read my text?"

"Yeah" You smiled at the fifteen-year-old. "I'll go over tomorrow"

"What happened to you going to Lucien's and Grace's tomorrow?" He smirked. 

"I'll just leave early" You shrugged. 

The two of you continued your session until late at night. At some point, you both stopped playing and just talked. You laid on your bed and talked to Luka for another hour. Sometimes the two of you wouldn't even talk, you would just enjoy each other's presence. You soon fell asleep, leaving Luka smiling at your sleeping self. If he was with you, he would have covered you in a blanket and stroke your hair. He always found you to be cute when you're sleeping. He whispered goodnight before ending the call.

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