Extra: Finally//Beautiful Stranger

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I grab your hand and then we run to the car
Singing in the street and playing air guitar
Stuck between my teeth just like a candy bar
And I wonder if it goes too far to say
I've never recognized a purer face
You stopped me in my tracks
And put me right in my place
Used to think that loving
Meant a painful chase
But you're right here now
And I think you'll stay

Kwan watched you pace through your apartment. Today is your first date with Luka, and you were excited and filled with nerves. Outfits were scattered everywhere. Make-up and hair products covered the coffee table. You came out of the bathroom wearing a new outfit. "Okay, how about this one?"

"Looks great. Not too casual yet not too formal" Kwan smiled at you. You glanced back at your reflection. "Now, Luka is coming in like thirty minutes and you need to clean up the place"

"Ah! You're right!" You glanced at the mess you made. Kwan rolled her eyes, watching you run around and cleaning the room.


"You look great, master Luka" Sass handed Luka a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Luka spent weeks on how to ask you out and spent even more than that to figure out where to take you. He felt excited and just as nervous as you were. He checked the time on his phone, quickly realizing that he'll be late if he doesn't leave now.

"Shoot," Luka ran out of his room. Sass quickly followed, flying inside his pocket.


"He'll be here any minute" You threw the rest of your clothing into your closet. As if on cue, you heard a knock at the door. You patted and smoothed any wrinkles in your clothing, grabbing your purse. You stopped to stare at Kwan. "My hair isn't a mess, is it?"

"You're fine. Get the door" Kwan flew into your bag.

You coughed and went to open your apartment's door. Luka stood in front of you with his eyes wide. He wore blue ripped jeans, black sneakers, a white button-up shirt, a black sweater over top of it that was tucked into his jeans. His hair was slicked back into a beanie, and you noticed that he was only wearing the matching ring. He looked handsome.

While you took in his outfit, Luka was being mesmerized by yours as well. You weren't wearing anything extravagant or too casual, just simple black jeans, black boots, and a white-and-black striped sweater. You had put on light make-up, to which he thought you didn't even need any because you were already naturally beautiful, and your hair was slightly curled and tied to a low side pony-tail. You looked breath-taking.

"The flowers, master" Sass peaked out of Luka's pocket.

"Uh. Right! These are for you" Luka handed you the bouquet.

"They're beautiful. Thank you" You smiled, taking a whiff of their scent. You quickly went to place the flowers in a vase so you wouldn't forget about them later. "Shall we get going?"

"We shall" Luka offered his arm to you. You giggled and wrapped your arm with his.

"So, what exactly do you have in store for us?" You said as you got on the back of his motorcycle.

"Well, first, I won't be going fast so your hair won't get messy" Luka winked at you. You muttered a 'thank you' while putting on your helmet. "Second, we're going to one of our most favorite places, and I prepared a special surprise after that"

"Surprise?" You smirked. "I'm looking forward to it"


Pop music played through the building's speakers. People talked with one another as they skated through the rink or ate at the parlor. Luka had brought you to the roller-rink. The moment both of you arrived, a wide grin spread across your lips. The roller-rink was one of the first places you and Luka had hung out together. You remember how both of you had fallen multiple times, how you both laughed, and how dizzy you both got at the end. It was also one of the first places where you first fell in love with him.

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