Break Up Song

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I'll be good all by myself
Yeah, I'll find a way to dance without you
In the middle of the crowd
I'll forget all of the pain inside

1 Year Later

"Here you go" You handed a bag of popcorn to the couple. "Enjoy the movie"

"Aaah. I'm so tired" You turned to your co-worker.

"At least those were the last customers" He looked around and noticed that you were right. There weren't any other people coming in to watch a movie. He glanced down at his watch.

"Yes! That gives us at least an hour before that new kid's film end" He grinned. "So what do you want to do?"

"Clean the butter dispenser" You walked over to the said machine.

You have been working at your local movie theater for a couple of months now. Since you have moved here from Paris, you have gained some new friends. One of them being your laidback co-worker, Owen. You met him in your science class as he was also your lab partner. He was quite weird when you first met him. He had arrived late to school, his dark black hair looking like a mess, and he carried a camera around, taking pictures of anything and everything.

"Come on, (y/n)" Owen groaned. "You can't seriously tell me you're going to work"

"I do if I want to get paid"

"How about we play twenty questions?" He jumped to sit on the counter next to you. "What's your favorite movie?"

"(favorite movie)" You wiped away all of the dirt and excessive butter from the machine.

"What's your favorite food?"

"I thought it was my turn?" You finished cleaning, moving to add more straws. Owen followed.

"Nah. I'm the interviewer and you're the interviewee" He smirked. You rolled your eyes in response. "Now answer the question"

"(favorite food)" You sighed. "Don't you know this? We've been friends for one year"

"Don't change the subject" He grabbed a licorice from its container. "What are your plans this weekend?"

"Um.." You went to take out the trash. Owen grabbed the bag out of your hands and the two of you walked over to a bigger trash can. "Nothing. Just doing homework and some personal stuff"

"What kind of stuff?" He turned to you.

"The none of your business kind of stuff" You crossed your arms over your chest.

"Well, if that stuff isn't so important, maybe we can hang out" He threw the trash away. You could see that his ears had gone red. "Like just the two of us?"

Your eyes widened when you realized what he was trying to say. He was asking you out on a date. Owen noticed your stare and quickly began to take back what he said. "Or not, I guess. You're clearly busy and I - um - I don't want to intrude on whatever you have going on. Uh -"

"Sorry" You gave him a small smile. "Maybe some other time"

"Uh. Yeah. Sure" He coughed. Glancing to the side, he noticed someone was waiting at the counter. "I'll get this one"

You nodded and watched him leave. You felt bad. It's not like Owen isn't a nice guy. He's the far opposite of that. His appearance looks like he would be into some illegal hobbies, but in reality, he's just a soft boy that wouldn't hurt a fly. When you were too shy to make friends in your first week of school, he was the one to drag you into his friend group.

"Why did you say no?" Kwan whispered from your shirt's pocket. "He seems to really like you"

"You know why" You glanced to see if Owen was looking at you. He had just finished refilling the customer's popcorn. "Look, we'll talk about this at home"

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