Music Sounds Better With You

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Oh baby it feels like, it feels like
Music sounds better with you baby
It feels right, it feels right
Everything's better with you

A Year Later

You groaned as you crumbled a piece of paper and threw it in the trash can. Sighing, you leaned back onto your chair and stared at your ceiling. Kwan flew onto your desk, staring at empty music sheets. You were having problems with writing songs again. And it wasn't just music. You haven't been able to focus on your dance recently. It's become a huge block for you.

Just then, you heard your phone ring. It was from Owen. You smiled at the contact and picked it up. "Hey"

"What are you doing right now?"

"Nothing, really" You got up from your desk and walked over to lay on your bed.

"Great. Do you want to go on an impromptu date?"

"Sure" You giggled. The two of you hung up and you quickly got up to get ready.

"I don't understand. You're happy with Owen, so shouldn't you be full of inspiration?" Kwan stared at you. "I mean, aren't you over Luka by now?"

You paused and turned to her. "I am. Luka is just my friend now."

Kwan sighed, shaking her head. You turned back around. Kwan knew that you would answer like that. No matter how much you seemed happy around with Owen, she never saw that spark of love in your eyes. She only saw it when you were with Luka. This isn't to say that she hates your boyfriend, but does prefer the French guitarist.


Sass opened his eyes at the sudden movement he felt next to him. It was currently late at night and he was meditating when his master suddenly jumped off from the bed. Luka grabbed his acoustic guitar and began to strum. Sass sat on the boy's shoulder. "Another song dedicated for (y/n)?"

"I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about her." Luka chuckled. "I wonder what she's doing now"

Sass looked at the way his master's eyes gleamed with joy. He never had that look when he was with Marinette. In fact, all of the kwamis felt that something was wrong when their masters moved on from their crushes. When Luka and Marinette broke up, Plagg had informed Sass about Adrien's and Kagami's break up as well. It seemed like both Ladybug and Chat Noir had finally ended up together.

Luka placed his pencil down. The smile that was on his lips a moment ago disappeared. He leaned back and stared out his window. He thought about how you would talk about your boyfriend. You would always smile and blush. Luka could tell that you liked the boy a lot. He hasn't told you about his breakup. He feels like he should - seeing that it's been about a year now, but he fears that you would catch onto the real reason why he and Marinette ended things. He doesn't want you to feel guilty. He just wants to see you happy. This must have been how you felt the entire time. Luka admires your endurance, but he wished you didn't have to go through all of that alone. He wished he wasn't so stupid.


"Is something wrong?" Owen looked at you, squeezing your hand to grab your attention. The two of you were walking around town, and he had just gotten you a drink from a vendor. "You're spacing out"

"Huh? Oh. Sorry. I've just been having some trouble writing music." You looked at him. Truth is, you were thinking about your writer's block. Writing songs and making choreographies has always come easy to you. Your love for both made it so. But there was the factor of your muse. You wrote songs to express your love for someone who didn't return your feelings. You danced to feel connected to the songs that that person wrote. And without him... You looked back to see Owen continuing to stare at you. He knew that there was more you wanted to say. "Where do you get your inspiration for your photos?"

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