Perfect Harmony

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When I first saw you, didn't know what to think
But something about you is so interesting
I could see me and you being best friends

A large truck pulled over to the house next door. Luka stood on top of his toy chest in order to look out the window. He saw a man and a woman get out of the truck, smiling widely at their new home. His eyes widened in curiosity when he saw a girl with beautiful (h/c) colored hair get out of the car as well.

Luka felt his heart skip a beat the moment the girl's (e/c) eyes met his aqua blue ones. She didn't look at him for long since she ran toward her parents. He could tell by her appearance they were probably the same age. Maybe she's going to be in his class tomorrow.

"Luka" Luka turned around to see his seven-year-old sister. He smiled at her and got down. Juleka was holding her favorite doll as she walked toward her brother.

"We got new neighbors" Luka grabbed her hand, leading her back out of his room. "We should go say hi"

"That's right" The two looked up to see their mom smiling at them. Anarka lifted her daughter into her arms. "Your father is already down there giving them our 'Couffaine hello!' Let's go join him"

Anarka took hold of her son's hand and the three of them made their way to the house next door. The door was left open as movers came in and out with furniture. The sound of three adults laughing grabbed Luka's attention. He heard his dad talk about the neighborhood and the town being a good and safe place to raise children.

"And it's a great place for them to be runnin' as free as the wind!" Anarka chimed, grabbing the adults' attention. Their conversation fell onto deaf ears as Luka looked around the house for the girl he saw earlier. There was no sign of her. Was she a ghost? He thought.

"Oh my! Luka, you've grown so much since I last saw you" Your mother cooed. Luka stared at her, a bit confused by what the woman meant.

"They're our old friends, Luka" Mr. Couffaine grinned, ruffling the said boy's hair. "You met them when you were a baby"

"I hope our kids get along well," Your dad smiled. "It's been so long since they last saw each other"

"Speaking of," Your mother went toward the stairs, "(y/n)! Come down and say hello!"

"Don't wanna" Luka noticed how you poked your head out from the corner of the stairs. You made eye contact with him again. Your eyes widened and you hid back behind the wall.

"I see she's still shy" Anarka chuckled. She patted Luka toward the stairs. "Maybe she'll be comfortable if it's just the little fellas. Go on"

Luka glanced at his parents. Juleka called out to him again while her mom placed her on the ground. Luka grabbed her hands and helped her up the stairs. He could hear the adults continuing their conversation.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Luka glanced at the fork of the hallway. You were hiding behind the left corner. Luka followed that direction, leading Juleka with him. He reached an open door and could hear a voice from the other side.

"What do you think, Mr. Cupcakes? Do you like this place?" Luka peaked inside. He saw you talking to a white teddy bear with pink spots. "Yeah, I don't either. We have no friends here, but at least we have each other"

"Teddy!" Juleka rushed inside the room, running toward your teddy bear. You hugged Mr. Cupcakes closer to your body to keep him away from the seven-year-old.

"Sorry" Luka came inside, pulling his sister away so you can have some personal space. "We didn't mean to scare you"

"You didn't scare me" You felt your cheeks blush out of embarrassment. "You should have knocked first"

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