Wait For Me

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Wait for me, I'm coming
Wait, I'm coming with you
Wait for me, I'm coming too

I'm coming too

You landed on top of the Eiffel Tower, placing Luka down. He let out a contagious laugh. It was his first time flying and it was accelerating. You de-transformed and Kwan flew around the tower, leaving the two of you alone. Luka sat himself down, gazing as the city lit up for the night. You took in a deep breath, sitting down next to him. He glanced at you with a bright smile on his lips.

"You didn't tell me what you thought of the song" Luka pointed out.

"I loved it" You smiled at him, turning your gaze to the city. "I just wanted to talk to you in private"

"What about?" He turned his full attention to you.

You remained quiet, gathering your thoughts. The corners of your lips lifted into a small smile. The events of tonight filled your mind. The laughs and fun conversations you had with your friends made you feel at peace. You're going to miss them.

"Do you want to know what I first thought of you when we first met?" You sighed.

"That I was cool?" Luka smirked.

"That you were handsome" You looked at him. "You still are"

Luka glanced down. He felt his cheeks flush. It always felt weird whenever you complimented his looks. His heart would flutter, but he always thinks that it's because you rarely ever say such things.

"Thanks" Luka smiled at you.

"I, uh," You let out a puff of air. "I have something to tell you"

"Okay..." Luka could tell that this was serious. "You know you could tell me anything"

"I know" You nodded your head. "It's just... 我暗恋你"

"What are you thanking me for?" He chuckled, confused as to where this conversation was going.

"No" You shook your head. Luka's smile slowly faded away when he saw a tear escape your eye. "I lied"

"Lied about what?" He scooted closer to you to wipe away your tear.

"The phrase doesn't mean 'thank you'" You grabbed his hand, pulling it away from your cheek.

"What do you mean -"

"It means I have a crush on you" Your eyes met his. Luka's eyes widened. You stood up from your spot, distancing yourself from him and wrapping your arms around yourself. With a shaky breath, you continued. "To say I like you would be an understatement though. I love you would be a better phrase"

"When... When did you start - start having feelings for me?" Luka finally sat up. You could tell how taken aback he was.

"I don't know" You wiped another tear away from your eyes. "I just remember waking up one day, wanting to see you, and hearing you laugh made me feel like butterflies were in my stomach, and you were the only person on my mind"

Luka continued to stare at you. The happy smile that rested on your face moments ago vanished into thin air. He thought back to when you were Lamenter.

'I want all of Paris to feel my pain. I want everyone to suffer as much as I have! I want to share my heartbreak with them!'

'You have already done enough trouble! I'm done with you!'

"When you were Lamenter..."

"No, don't" You shook your head, already knowing what he was thinking. "Don't blame yourself for that. I became Lamenter because I was selfish. I thought that I could be the one occupying your heart, but after seeing you with Marinette, I... I realized that I was wrong. It's not your fault. I was just too stubborn to accept that fact. So please, don't blame yourself for that"

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now