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Take me to the sky
If I can fly
If I can run away forever
If my wings could fly
Piercing through the air that's getting heavier
Flying, flying
Higher than higher than
Higher than the sky
Flying, flying
With my reddened wings

You sat down with your friends during lunch. They were watching the latest update of the Ladyblog. Luka was watching the site intensively. After his encounter with the Phoenix, he's been interested in her. You couldn't stop smiling after hearing him ramble about her. She's a mystery to him. No one else has seen her, only him, which is why your friends are skeptical if she even exists. They don't even know the hero's name, only you do. 

After seeing the spark in Luka's eyes whenever he talked about her, you knew you had to get a chance of becoming the Phoenix again. Kwan sassed you for that reason. "You are one selfish person, you know that right?"

"Hey, I've been in love with him since forever" You rolled your eyes, smirking. "He has only seen me as a friend, but now I may have a chance"

"Yes, but he can't find out that you're Phoenix" Kwan played with the stuff in your bag. 

"Watch out!" You turned to see a blast coming your way. Ladybug had grabbed you and pushed you out of danger. She quickly turned to you. "Get somewhere safe!"

You saw her chase an akumatized villain, Chat Noir soon followed close by. A grin appeared on your face. You turned to run behind an alleyway. "Kwan flames out!"

You transformed into your hero outfit, flying up to catch the villain. As you flew, you began to notice everything. Your sight reached eight more miles than a regular human being, and you were able to hear everything around you. You even noticed that there weren't any people around the city, only animals. The villain must have done this. Hearing Ladybug and Chat Noir yell as they were thrown into some bushes by the villain, you quickly scanned your eyes to spot them in the park. Before the villain could blast them, you defected it by your sais. You flew just in front of them. They stared at you, confused. 

"Sorry, I don't have enough time to properly introduce myself" You smirked, glancing at them. "Call me Phoenix"

They didn't have time to question you since you immediately flew to fight the villain. He smirked at the sight of your wings. "Ah, you're already halfway there. Why don't I just lend you a hand?"

He blew into his tranquilizer, sending a blast your way.  You dodged it. You were able to hear his heartbeat faster as you came closer to him. You smirked. Grabbing him by the shoulder, you flew up and then dove down, throwing him back down at the park. He grunted as he got up. You landed in front of him. He continued to throw his blasts at you, backing up with each step you took. 

"Seriously Hawkmoth?" Your smirk grew as you placed your sais in their hilts, pretending to yawn. You felt your wings stretch themselves. The flames grew brighter. Ladybug and Chat Noir stood behind you, ready to fight. "You chose an easy guy, didn't you?"

"Wha-" Tranquilizer paused. 

"Incinerate!" You yelled. The flames grew larger and were sent flying toward Tranquilizer, surrounding him. Tranquilizer was stuck in the circle of flames, he was surprised that the flames didn't even hurt him. In fact, the flames felt warm. They wrapped around him, destroying his akumatized object. Ladybug used that chance to catch the dark purple butterfly with her yo-yo while Chat Noir went to help the now stable civilian. 

"Bye-bye little butterfly" She smiled as the white butterfly flew away. She threw her yoyo up in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Everything turned back to normal. People who were turned into animals returned back to the way they were. You walked toward the two heroes. They fist-bumped each other, saying their catchphrase. "Pound it".

"I guess we should also thank you" Chat Noir smiled at you.

"Oh, it's nothing" You smiled back. 

"Phoenix, right?" Ladybug offered her hand, you shook it. "I would like to talk to you about your miraculous if you -"

You heard your pendant beep. "Sorry, maybe another time"

You flew away to another alleyway, grinning as you de-transformed. Kwan smiled as you pulled out a piece of meat from the small cooler you customized into your bag. You thought about what just happened. You did great and all, but you're tired. Maybe you need to work out more? "Note to self, take up martial arts"

"Why?" Kwan asked, finishing his meat.

"Because I need to learn how to properly fight" You smiled as the two of you made your way back home.


The new winged superhero calls herself Phoenix. She first appeared when Tranquilizer attacked last week. Her special power is called Incinerate, her flames wrap around her target but not harming the person. So far, the new hero has barely interacted with Ladybug and Chat Noir. She appears to help the two famous heroes of Paris but leaves shortly after.

Grace finished reading the article about Phoenix on the Ladyblog. You smiled as your group of friends stared in awe at the photo of the winged hero. Luka's eyes shined with curiosity. Kwan peaked out of your bag, grabbing your attention, smiling at you. You grinned. 

"Wow, Luka was right" Calixte turned to the bluenette. Luka leaned back in his seat. 

"I told you guys" He shrugged. You sat down next to him, your grin not disappearing. 

"Well, I believed you" He smiled at you. You felt your heart skip a beat. God, why does every little thing he does make your heart melt? Even seeing him breathe makes your emotions go haywire. You seriously need to control your emotions. 

"And this is why you're my ride or die" He nudged you. Your friends rolled their eyes, Calixte threw a few of his chips at the two of you. Both you and Luka laughed. 

"Hey, (y/n)" All of you turned to stare at Ruben. By now your friends, except Luka, knows about the two of you fake dating. Luka's smile faltered as the upperclassman stood in front of you. "I won't be able to make it to practice, I have that appointment I told you about today"

"Oh, okay" You shrugged, remembering that he has a date with his boyfriend. "Have fun"

"Yeah," He noticed Luka staring. Looking back at you, he took a deep breath. He kissed your cheeks, surprising you. "See ya around"

You stared at him as he walked away. Grace pretended to tease you while Calixte and Lucien made jokes. Kwan stared at you, confused. You stole a glance at Luka, who was staring at his notebook. I guess he doesn't care. You sighed.


If you know this song, I purple you :)

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