Class Fight

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Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody
We were in the playground, things were getting muddy
The teacher broke us up after I broke her
And my one true love called me a monster

Luka, Marinette, and the rest of Kitty Section were smiling and laughing while leaving the television studio. Marinette was lightly blushing as she talked with the blue-haired boy. Since he practically confessed his love to her, she couldn't help but feel her heart race against her chest. To think Luka likes her. She wouldn't have thought that to be possible.

"Agh!" The group turned to look in front of them. Their eyes widen when they saw civilians running while screaming cries. Some people were on their knees, crying loudly, others were whimpering while holding their chests. Those who were not being affected were soon hit by a slice beam of black music notes, and they started to cry as well. There was a loud piercing cry coming from above them. 

"How does it feel?!" Marinette ripped her gaze from the civilians and turned to see the person behind the sudden burst of sadness. Her eyes widen when she saw you flying on an enormous guitar pick. "The sadness of heartbreak! Isn't it wonderful?!"

You let out another screech. This time the entire group covered their ears from it. Marinette's brows furrowed as she looked at you. "(y/n)?"

The teenage girl looked at Luka. He didn't seem confused like Marinette. He seemed worried. Worried about his best friend. What happened to her? What could have caused her to become a victim of Hawkmoth's evil plan to steal the miraculous? 

"We have to get out of here" Marinette grabbed the group's attention. They nodded and began to run back inside the studio. That was until they were stopped by you. You had landed in front of them. A sadistic smirk plastered your lips. 

"Where do my kitties think they're going?" You mocked. 

"(y/n), what - Ah!" Juleka tried to talk to you, but you had waved your pick. The slash of music notes hit her on the chest. The sudden pain caused her to take a step back. Rose grabbed hold of her just as you slashed her with your powers as well. 

"Rose! Juleka!" Ivan called when you slashed him as well. The three held their chest as they began to weep. They felt the pain you were feeling. The feeling of heartbreak. It began to cloud their minds. Ivan began to weep his girlfriend's name into his hands. "Mylene..."

"Juleka" Rose cried loudly.

"Rose" The punk girl responded to her girlfriend crying.

"That's right, my kitties" You cooed. "Feel my pain."

While you were distracted with those three, Luka had grabbed Marinette's hand and dragged her to safety. You turned your head toward them, glaring. How dare they run off together?! You let out another screech in their direction. 

I have to make them feel my pain. You thought. I have to make Luka understand my emotions. I have to make Marinette suffer. Make Luka regret not choosing you. Make Marinette suffer. 

"Luka!" Marinette turned to the boy. His eyes were closed shut as he covered his ears. It was obvious that he was having trouble resisting your power. But that didn't stop him from running back to you. He stopped covering his ears and his eyes burned with determination. A determination to get through to you. 

"(y/n)!" Luka stopped a few feet away from you. You closed your mouth shut, glaring at him. His worried expression for you was soon painted with pain as he noticed tears running down your cheeks. It hurts seeing you like this. "(y/n), stop this! This isn't you!"

"Why would I stop?" You smirked. "I want all of Paris to feel my pain. I want everyone to suffer as much as I have! I want to share my heartbreak with them!"

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