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Put you on repeat
Play you everywhere I go
Everywhere I go
Play you everywhere I go
Put you on repeat
Play you everywhere I go
Everywhere I go (Everywhere I go)

You danced to the song. Your movements were graceful and expressive. Your reflection in the mirror mimicked your every move. The sweat you built up slowly dripped down your body. Your baggy sweat pants hugged your hips and your sweatshirt was tied into a crop top in order for you to cool yourself. The sneakers you're wearing squeaked as you danced.

You finished the routine, breathing heavy. Sighing, you went to grab your bottle of water and towel. The sound of clapping caught your attention. You turned around, grunting as you saw Ruben.

"Not bad" He crossed his arms, nodding his head. You rolled your eyes and waited for his destructive criticism. Nothing came.

"What? No 'but I could've done this better?'" You arched a brow.

"No". He placed his hands in his pockets. "That's one of your best routines this year".

You stared at him for a second longer. What the hell? You went back to wiping off the sweat you had. Ruben coughed to grab your attention again. You stared at him through the mirror.

"So... uh, sorry about dragging you to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery" He looked to the ground.

"It's fine". You began to pack. "You didn't know".

"Still..." He looked at you. You turned to him, bag on your shoulder.

"Forget about it" You walked past him. He followed you out of the studio.

"Let me repay you" He stood in front of you. "I'll buy you anything you want"

Anything? You stared at him. His eyes looked guilty and you could tell that he felt desperate to make it up to you. He did put you in an awkward situation, but this is the first time he ever apologized. You should savor it.

"How about we put a pin on it?" You crossed your arms. "That is if you truly feel bad for what you did".

"Fine". He reluctantly nodded. You know how much he hates owing people. This is going to be fun. The two of you continue to walk, conversing about some routines both of you were working on.

You didn't even notice that Luka was across the street. He watched you smile and laugh with the older boy. He knows you're friends with Ruben, but he doesn't know how close you are to him. The two of you only hang out during and after you're dance sessions. That makes it hard for Luka to get to know the other boy. He took in a deep breath, letting out a sigh, and smiled. It's good seeing you have fun with your friends.


"Knock, knock" You poked your head into Luka's room. He paused strumming his guitar and turned to you. You sat down next to him, crossing your legs, smiling. "What are you up to?"

"Just writing" He continued to strum. "Per usual"

You listened to him strum his guitar. The melody made you feel as if Luka was speaking to your soul. He always spoke through his music. It was the best way he could express himself. You remember when he made a song for you on your birthday. You had cried because it had brought out so many emotions from you. He hugged you tight afterward, wiping your tears away. You still replay that song whenever you feel down. 

"It's beautiful" You spoke when he finished. 

"Thanks" He smiled and placed his guitar down. 

"Anyway, I came here to ask you if you wanted to go catch a movie" You got up. "Everyone else is planning on meeting us there. Ruben is actually going too"

"Really?" He stood up, grabbing his jacket. The two of you began to walk out.

"Yeah. He said something about how he always wanted to see this movie but couldn't because of time". You shrugged.

"What movie?"

"Love Simon" You turned to him.

He nodded his head. The two of you walked side-by-side. There was a moment where your hands would touch, causing you to put your hands behind your back out of embarrassment. A small blush grew on your cheeks. You hate that you can't hide your feelings. 

When you got to the movies, Calixte, Lucien, Grace, and Ruben were waiting for the two of you. The six of you entered the movie theater. Your friends made sure that you and Luka sat next to each other. Ruben sat on your right while Luka sat on your left. As usual, you and Luka shared popcorn, but once in a while, Luka would take notice of you taking some candy from Ruben. During some scenes, Ruben would whisper something into your ear that would make you laugh. It looked as if the two of you were flirting. 

Seeing you laugh and smile at another boy that he barely knew, Luka felt strange about it. He was okay with you hanging out with Calixte and Lucien. But he has known them since the beginning of middle school. He has only known Ruben since the beginning of this year. Was he jealous? No, that can't be. He likes Marionette. He's sure about that. It's probably because he doesn't know Ruben all that well.

After the movie, the lot of you decided to go eat at a diner. You and Luka sat at the booth while the rest went to play with the jukebox. The waiter had placed your drinks down. You had ordered a vanilla milkshake while Luka ordered a blueberry smoothie.

"So... you and Ruben" You choked on your drink. When you calmed down, you stared at Luka with a shocked expression.

"What? No! We're friends" You denied Luka's assumption about your relationship with the upperclassman. Just the thought of you dating Ruben made you want to puke.

"Really? It looked like you were flirting with him earlier" He took a sip from his drink.

"He was just telling me some funny comments about the movie" Your voice squeaked. Luka laughed at your reactions. Your cheeks were red due to embarrassment and you were glaring at him. He found your expression to be cute.

Ruben's laugh brought Luka back to reality. He remembered how the two of you looked earlier in the day, laughing and smiling. He knows that Ruben is also a dancer at the studio you go to. People may call him and you the perfect pair, but thinking back to that moment, he feels that the perfect pair would be you and Ruben.

"I think the two of you would look good together" He spoke in a softer tone. Your glare softens as you felt your heart breaking into two.

"Then... maybe I'll ask him out" You muttered under your breath. Luka heard you but dropped the topic as the others came back. Ruben sat next to you, relaxing in his seat, arm resting behind you. You quickly glanced at Luka, turning to the rest of your friends. He continued to stare at you as you laughed at the jokes your friends made. He felt a small pain in his chest. It must be nothing.

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now