To Know Him Is To Love Him

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To know know know him
Is to love love love him
Just to see that smile
Makes my life worthwhile

The sounds of Luka's guitar and his voice singing the new song he's been working on felt warm. He was thinking of someone while playing. You clapped your hands as he finished. The corner of his lips curved up. Placing his guitar down, he got up and grabbed his bag. The two of you left the houseboat and made your way to school. On your way, both of you stopped when you noticed Ladybug and Chat Noir jumping from building to building. "They're so cool".

You turned to Luka, smiling. "That's right. You met them, huh"

"Yeah". The two of you continued walking. "It must be amazing having those abilities, but it's also a huge responsibility. I wonder how they do it all".

"They're heroes." You shrugged. "I'm sure they have people to help them"

When both of you got to your class, you sat in your seats and turned to talk to your friends. Calixte was late once again, Lucien and Grace aced the test from last weekend, meanwhile, Luka and you continued to be best partner group by getting a higher grade than Lucien and Grace in the project. It's just another usual day at school.

During lunch, the five of you sat down at a table to eat. Grace had brought her speaker to play a song. She wanted to show you her new routine for dance. Luka began tapping to the rhythm of the song while you began to sing along. Grace danced. Her body moving to match both the rhythm and tone of the song. As you sang, you expressed the very emotion that the song was portraying. With your voice and Grace's dance, it felt like an emotional scene was taking place. Other classmates began to watch as well. Calixte and Lucien clapped and whistled as Grace finished. Grace bowed at the applause.

"And let's give a hand to the perfect duo" Grace gestured to you and Luka. They cheered again. Luka and you bowed as well. The audience dispersed as Grace went to sit next to you. "If the two of you do not get that title in the yearbook, I'm going to throw a fit"

"Seriously?" You chuckled, Luka laughed along with you.

"It may be a joke, but the two of you are inseparable" Calixte threw a chip into his mouth.

"That's true". Lucien took a chip from Calixte's bag. "You guys have been partners since what? The third grade"

You felt Luka's arm wrap around your shoulder once more. He pulled you closer to his side, a huge grin laid on his lips. The feeling of your heart beating fast came back. It lasted until you heard the word that you hated the most escape Luka's lips.

"That's because we're best friends" He smiled. Your shoulders slumped, your smile fading, your gaze downcasting. Your friends gave you a sympathetic smile. Luka's arm fell back to his side. You leaned back into your seat, hiding your disappointed look from your best friend.


"I should be used to this by now" You sighed. Grace and you had just left the dance studio the two of you go to after school. Grace patted your shoulder. "I'm such an idiot".

"I don't know the context, but yes you are" The two of you turned to a boy year older than you. Ruben Bastin, an upperclassman of yours and a dancer at the studio. He's either bothering you or telling you all the mistakes you make in your routines. In the end, it all ends the same way. You punch him in the stomach and he shuts up. Though the two of you bicker at each other like cats and dogs, the two of you consider each other friends.

"Shut up" You glared at him.

"(y/n) was told the 'f' word again today" Grace explained.

"Fu-" Ruben arched a brow as he walked beside you.

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