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At least I keep his eyes in my life

"HAHA!" Ruben laughed hysterically over the phone. You just told him about your earlier conversation with Luka. He's been laughing for almost a whole two minutes now. You don't blame him. It was stupid of you to say that when you know that the guitarist has always been able to hear everything you say. It's one of the things you like about him.

"God, (y/n)" Ruben had finished laughing. "I'm flattered that you think of me as a rebound, but you do know I have a boyfriend, right?"

"Since when?!" Ever since you began to hang out more with Ruben, you knew about his sexuality. He has dated a girl before, but he's mainly interested in guys. The reason why he was whispering into your ear during the movie was that he would tell you a side comment about his past relationships and how the scenes would remind him of that.

"Since last week" He spoke nonchalantly. "Unlike you, I actually have the courage to get what I want"

"Well, why don't you just tell him about this too?" You laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling. "Tell him and then go on a few 'dates' with me"

"Look, I may have just found out about your gigantic crush on Luka - which I don't blame you because damn, he's hot" You laughed as Ruben continued to speak. "But Luka likes Marinette, doesn't he? I'm sorry to tell you the hard truth, but this plan has a high percentage of failing"

"I know, I know" You whined. "But I don't want to give up just yet".




"Fine". You sat up. "I'm calling in that favor, so now you have to do this for me"

"Ugh" You smirked as you heard Ruben grunt and fall on his bed over the phone. 

"You brought this on yourself when you were persistent in trying to make me feel better" You smiled. "Meet me after school tomorrow for our first date"

"I hate you"

"Love you too" You sang as you hung up the phone. Falling back on your bed once more, you thought about Luka. Was he jealous? The look on his face when he heard you mutter looked a bit heartbroken. It was the same look that you saw when he was with Marinette. The one that matched yours. But he couldn't be jealous, right? He only sees you as family. You're his best friend. He doesn't want anything to ruin the relationship you already have. And neither do you. That's why you do your best to keep your feelings inside.

You bottle up all those feelings and make sure to only let the people that already know about your crush see them. Even though it feels suffocating, even if it feels like you're drowning, it's okay. It's okay because you still have Luka in your life. He's still by your side, and you're by his. It would only change when you confess to him. Both of you will put a distance in your friendship. There would no longer be random visits. No spontaneous movie nights, no late-night calls, no jam sessions, no more being the 'perfect duo'. You hate knowing that. You hate having these feelings.


The final bell rang, ending school for the day. You exited your class with your friends. Calixte, Lucien, and Grace were talking about the Ladyblog while Luka and you listened. All of you stopped when you heard Ruben calling your name. Your eyes widen as you noticed his outfit. 

He wore a white button-up shirt, sleeves pulled up to his elbows, a black vest over top of it, denim ripped skinny jeans with black boots. His wavy dark purple hair was slicked back into his loose black beanie. His piercings on his left ear were visible for the first time in his high school life. His light purple eyes stared into yours as he held a rose out for you. You did your best not to laugh. 

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