Extra: The Phoenix

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Hey Youngblood doesn't it feel like our time is running out
I'm going to change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing all vintage misery
No I think it looked a little better on me
I'm going to change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

'A phoenix is a type of bird that can light itself on fire and be reborn through its ashes' Your grandmother held you in her arms as she read you the book you picked out. There was a drawing of the mythical bird that had grabbed your attention. It had long tail feathers and wings that were burning with fire. Your eyes widened at the sight.

'Do they really look like that?' You looked up at your grandmother.

'Who knows? No one has seen a phoenix in ages' She chuckled. 'Some people believe that they do not exist at all'

'Do you believe, grandma?'

'Hmm,' She had a distant look in her eyes. 'I don't know if there are tons of phoenixes out there, but I believe that one will rise up from its ashes and show itself to us one day'

'What do you mean?' You tilted your head in confusion.

'Nevermind that' She lifted you up and began to walk toward your bedroom. 'It's time for bed'

'But I'm not tired!'


You stood at the entrance of your new school. People walked inside with their groups of friends, some holding science projects and others yawning from staying up late last night. It's been a week since you and your family moved. The first week was spent unpacking, familiarizing yourself with the neighborhood, filling out your school application, and looking for a new dance studio for you to join. You've called and texted your friends back in Paris daily, but the timezones always got the best of you. Now the anxiety of being alone in this school filled your mind.

"You can do this, (y/n)" Kwan whispered from inside your bag. "Just go right in"

"Says the immortal creature who never had to actually go to high school" You sighed. Gripping the strap of your bag, you took in a deep breath and walked inside your new school. The principal had given you a map of the school and your schedule a few days ago when you had gone to meet her. You held the two pieces of paper in your hands and tried to find where you're supposed to be before the first bell rang. Alright. Science Lab room 200 where are you? There you are!

You walked inside the classroom, taking a glance at the students messing around before their class officially starts. The teacher sat at his desk. You gulped and walked over to him. You introduced yourself and he welcomed you to the school, gesturing you to your seat at a lab table.

Minutes passed and the class started. You were keeping yourself busy with taking notes to even notice someone walk in and sit next to you. It wasn't until you heard a click of a camera that you turned in their direction. A boy with messy black hair and a grey jacket was currently getting scolded by the teacher.

"Don't go scaring our new student, Mr. Massey" The teacher sighed.

"Sorry teach" The boy turned to you and held out his hand. "I'm Owen"

"(y/n)" You shook his hand.


Lunchtime arrived and you found yourself being dragged by Owen to a lunch table. He introduced you to his friends and you soon got comfortable around them. They asked you the generic new kid questions. Where are you from? What do you do for fun? And blah blah blah blah.

"I know that book" You glanced at the book the girl known as Cecil was reading. It was a book about mythical creatures. If you remember correctly, it talked about creatures that sound similar to the miraculous but not quite. It was missing some important information about the jewels and creatures.

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