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There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

You strung the strings of your guitar. Like Calixte suggested, Kitty Section did end up joining the contest Bob Roth was holding. They were spending almost every day practicing the new song you and Luka had worked on, getting ready to make sure that their performance was perfect. You were too busy preparing and practicing your own song that you planned on singing to even notice or care that Luka was spending time with Marinette. Calixte and his friend were able to get you a spot on the show. It wasn't going to be an opening act like you thought, but a closing act for the channel instead. Either way, you were happy to get a chance to share a stage with Luka.

"I wonder when Luka would get here" You stopped playing and looked at Kwan. She was eating the chicken wings you ordered. The two of you were in the green room at the television studio.

"We got here a bit early." Kwan glanced at the clock in the room. "Wanna go see if they arrived yet?"

"Come on. Let's go" You got up from the couch, putting the guitar down. Kwan flew into the pocket of your shirt. You hummed as you walked through the hallways of the studio. You looked around the set, trying to get any sign of Kitty Section. The contest didn't announce who won, but you guess that it's meant to be a surprise. Kitty Section has to have won. They're the best. You kept reminding yourself.

Instead of seeing the band, you saw the crew members preparing XY's djing set. That's weird. Your gaze landed on Bob Roth. "Excuse me, Mr. Roth?"

The music producer turned to you. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Um. I'm the closing act. Uh... Whatever happened to the contest?" You managed to ask. "Who won?"

"That thing" The man looked off to the side. He looked like he had no idea what you were talking about. "I plan on announcing that right after my son's performance"

"Oh?" You perked up. The bad vibe you were getting about the man completely vanished from your mind. "Could you tell me who won?"

"Uh." Mr. Roth took a moment. "Well, I can't just ruin the whole surprise, can I?"

"I see. I understand" You smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Roth"

You walked off stage and went back to the green room. Kwan flew out of your pocket. "Something seems fishy about that man. And I don't mean it in a good way"

"I felt it too" You sighed. "But who knows? Maybe he's telling the truth."

Just as you said that the program began to play on the television in the room. You and Kwan stared as XY appeared on the screen. He was wearing a terribly made outfit of a kitty unicorn. The music he was playing sounded familiar. That's when it clicked. "Hey! That's the song Luka, Rose and I made for Kitty Section!"

"Why is XY playing it?" Kwan looked at you.

"That bastard lied to us!" You glared as you stomped your foot. "He stole Luka's song and that ugly outfit must have been Marinette's designs for the band!"

"What are we going to do?" 

"I'm going to talk to that con-man himself" You stormed out of the room, Kwan flying back into your pocket once more. When you turned the hall, you paused when you saw Luka and Marionette.

"(y/n)?" Luka's eyes widen at the sight of you. "What are you doing here?"

"Um. I'm. Uh. Roth's contest thing" You randomly uttered. Damn it, (y/n). This is not the time to be getting flustered. Shaking your head, you turned to stare at the two. "Are you guys going to confront him about the song too?"

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