I'm Just Your Problem

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Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess
Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don't treat you
like you're perfect
Like all your little loyal subjects do

Marinette landed in her room, de-transforming. Tikki floated in front of her. The young girl noticed the concerned look the red kwami had. She has noticed that ever since Phoenix had appeared, Tikki has been acting strange. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir have been unsuccessful in having a proper greeting with the flamed winged hero. Marinette would be lying if she said that she was not a bit suspicious. 

"What is it, Tikki?" Marinette stared at the tiny floating creature.

"I've been trying to figure it out myself before telling you, but-" Tikki turned to Marinette. "-this is bad, Marinette".

"What's bad?" Marinette sat down on her bed as Tikki floated in front of her.

"The phoenix miraculous has been lost for so long that all the guardians thought it was destroyed" Tikki began to explain. "It's one of the oldest miraculous, older than me and Plagg, meaning it's one of the strongest out of all us. The last person to have ever used it never returned it back to the guardians. He had used it for his own greed just like Hawkmoth is doing to Noroo. No one has ever seen the miraculous since then"

Tikki flew closer to Marinette, beginning to glare. "We must know how Phoenix had gotten her miraculous. Until then, we can not trust her"

"Understood Tikki" Marinette nodded her head. "Next time we see Phoenix, we'll question her"


You flew down, smiling at Ladybug and Chat Noir. The three of you just finished defeating Animaestro earlier today and are now doing your night patrols. You hummed as you walked toward them. After Animaestro, Luka had texted you to go see the animated movie of Ladybug and Chat Noir with him during the weekend. Of course, your other friends are going too. But it still puts you in a good mood.

"You seem chirpy today" Chat smiled at you. You did your best not to eye-roll at his pun. 

"Nice to see you too" You smirked as you moved your wings, flames shining bright. He moved a bit farther from you, afraid he might get hurt. Ladybug walked closer to you. 

"You're not leaving early again, are you?" She asked. You noticed the serious look on her face. Shaking your head, you let her continue. "Good, because I have some questions for you"

You crossed your arms, brows furrowing in curiosity. "Shoot"

"How did you get your miraculous?" Ladybug gave you a stern look. You sensed that she was being suspicious, which you don't blame her but you could ask the same for them.

"My grandmother gave it to me" You explained. "It's been passed down in my family for generations. Why?"

"Because the last person to have used it was just like Hawkmoth" Her stare softened. "No one had seen it since then. I'm just trying to understand how it landed in your hands".

"Like I told you, Ladybug." You glared. "My grandmother gave it to me"

"I get that" She held out her hand. "But may I ask to have your miraculous for a day? I must show it to the guardian so he could -"

"No can do" You interrupted her. She stared at you, taken aback. Her's and Chat's eyes widen in shock. You uncrossed your arms. "My kwami had made a pact with my ancestors a long time ago. We can not leave each other's side at all costs. If you want to show my miraculous to this guardian you speak of, you would have to take me with you".

"I'm sorry but I can't do that either" The female hero glared at you. 

"Why? You don't trust me?" You arched a brow. 

"It's not that. We just don't know you that well" She placed her hands at her hips. 

"Oh, I see" You crossed your arms. "And you trust Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee? Because I totally see them patrolling with you and help you save the day all the time. You know what I think, Ladybug? I think that you only want you and Chat Noir to get all the glory. You can't accept that there could be other heroes out there to protect Paris. Because if there were more of us, there wouldn't be a need for a Ladybug and Chat Noir, right?"

"Wrong". Her glare hardens. "My miraculous is the only one that can de-evilize akumas. You're also wrong about everything else. I trust all the people that I give a miraculous to, it's just that the guardian had told me that they must give it back in order to protect them from Hawkmoth. In case you forgot, he is after all of our miraculous. You just don't bother to open up to us. You leave the moment you're not needed anymore. Plus, from what I've seen, your the only one who can actually harm people with your flames".

"My flames aren't harmful, and I leave because I have things to do" You glared. "I, too, have people to protect. The only reason why I even decided to show myself now is because of Lu-"

"Lu?" She tilted her head. Closing your eyes, you regained your composure.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I was an idiot to even think about being a hero. I'll just quit" You turned to leave.

They watched you fly away. That was a stupid fight. You know it. In order for Ladybug to trust you, you have to trust her. But you can't. Why? Is it because Luka admired her before Phoenix showed up? Why do you always let your jealousy take over you? You hate that part of yourself. Hawkmoth could notice and akumatize you. You need to get a hold of your emotions. Maybe you can apologize to them tomorrow.

Landing in your room, you de-transformed. Kwan came out, already feeding on the meat you have in your mini-fridge, as you let out a sigh. The little flamed bird kwami stared at you fall onto your bed. You stared at your ceiling. She floated toward you. "You didn't seriously mean what you told Ladybug, did you? You'll still be Phoenix, right?"

"We're just going to take a small break" You gave her an apologetic look. She didn't say anything to you, and you don't blame her. She flew up to the high perch you placed on your ceiling. You turned to your side, holding your pillow close. The two of you didn't speak at all since then.

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