You Belong With Me

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If you can see I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
You belong with me

3 Years Later

"Luka!" Marinette called out to the young man. Luka smiled at the girl. Her hair was styled into a bun to keep away from what she was baking. He walked toward the bakery's counter. His group of friends went ahead and sat at an empty table, giving him some time to talk to the girl. "I haven't seen you around lately. How have you been?"

"I just finished my first semester in university" He shrugged. "What about you? How's it going with Adrien?"

Marinette blushed at the mention of her boyfriend. Even though it's been a long time now since the two finally got their act together and became a couple, she still can't believe it. It still feels like a dream to her. She remembers when they started dating, Luka was the first to encourage her. 

"It's been going great! We're going to the movies after my shift today" Marinette smiled. "Anyway, what can I get for you and your friends?"

Before he could answer, the sound of people outside crying for help grabbed everyone's attention. "An akuma!"

Luka and Marinette rushed outside to see the situation. A large sentimonster made out of ice was rampaging through the city. A man stood on the top of the monster's head, laughing maniacally at the sight of people trembling in fear. The monster let out a loud scream, sending sharp icicles all around. Luka noticed two children standing in fear. He rushed toward them, pushing them out of the way, barely getting scrapped by the icicles. He turned around to see that the icicles began to form themselves into tiny versions of the sentimonster.

"Luka!" Marinette rushed toward them.

"Take them inside. Get somewhere safe" Luka handed the children to her before running off.

Marinette called out to him, seeing him run into an alleyway. She glanced at the two children and rushed them inside the bakery. Her parents were calming down the customers, not noticing their daughter running up the stairs to her room. She closed her bedroom door. Tikki flew toward her. "Tikki, spots on!"


The train doors opened and an announcement was being made, telling everyone to stay inside. People were rushing to get away from whatever was happening outside. The sound of the news channel grabbed the attention of the people who just arrived.

Ladybug and her team have just arrived on the scene. As they handle the situation, we advise everyone to stay indoors and wear warm clothing...

Ice, huh?


"This is really unmelting" Chat Noir flipped himself onto a light post.

"Seriously, Chat?" Ladybug smirked. "You could do better than that"

"I admit that it's not one of my best works, but cut me some slack. We've been doing this superhero thing for a while and I'm running out of puns here" Chat dodge an icicle.

"He is right about one thing, though" Rena Rouge stopped a tiny ice monster from attacking Carapace. "These things don't want to melt"

"It's times like these that I miss Phoenix" Bunnyx sighed. "Her firepower would be really useful right now"

Ladybug glanced over at Viperion. He was currently dodging icicle attacks and protecting any civilians that were still outside. She knows that he most likely heard what Bunnyx just said. Her thoughts were then diverted back to the situation at hand. Her eyes met Chat's and they both nodded.

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now