Boy Like You

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What do I do
With a boy with a boy like you?
Got me lost got me hooked
Now I'm so confused
Was this a part of your plan?
I don't really understand

You walked through the school hallways with your headphones on. The music covered all of the noise around you. Kwan was taking her afternoon nap in your bag while you walked to your locker. You hummed along with the song, feeling lost in it. 


You jumped when you felt someone tap your back. Taking off your headphones, you turned around to see Ruben laughing at your reaction. You rolled your eyes, frowning at his appearance. Secretly, you were hoping that it was Luka behind you. 

"Aww. Don't frown. You'll ruin that face of yours even more" Ruben chuckled. 

"Oh, Ruben" You mocked a flattering tone. "You're so thoughtful. No wonder why it took you 16 years to get a boyfriend and get laid"

"Says the virgin" The purple-haired boy nudged your side. You shook your head, letting out a chuckle. 

"So are we going to practice later today?" You turned to him. "Or are you going to ditch me and go on a date with your boyfriend?"

"Nah. No date today" Ruben placed his hands in his pockets. "I'm all yours"

"Wow. I'm so lucky" You chuckled. 

"Would you look at the cute couple?" Both you and Ruben turned to stare at your friends. Grace went to stand beside you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders. "Acting lovely-dovey as always"

Lucien and Calixte pretended to gag. You punched them while Ruben began to check his phone. He tapped your shoulder. "Gotta take this"

"Sure." You nodded.

"I can't believe you're seriously fake dating Ruben" Calixte laid his back against the locker next to yours. You had opened the cabinet and began to grab and put away some of your things. "I mean, he has a boyfriend. Doesn't he?"

"How do you know?" Lucien turned to his friend.

"I have ears all around this school" Calixte joked. Lucien rolled his eyes and shoved his friend, who was laughing. 

"Cal is right though" Grace turned to you. "Why make up the lie anyway?"

"I don't know. It just happened." You shrugged.

"What just happened?" The group jumped at the sound of Luka's voice.

"Luka! Hey, buddy!" Calixte patted the blue-tipped hair boy. "How's it hanging?"

"Nothing much" The guitarist shrugged. "Anway, what were you guys talking about?"

"Uh." You turned to Grace for help.

"Girl problems" She nodded her head as she stared at Luka. Your best friend raised his brow. If you're having girl problems, how come you can tell Lucien and Calixte but not him? You always tell him your problems no matter what it was either way. He was even there for you when you experienced your first period. Deciding not to ask any further questions, Luka let the matter go. 

"Whatever. Are you still coming over for a jam session?" Luka smiled at you. "Kitty Section would sure like your help on that new song we wrote"

"Oh shoot! That's today?" Your eyes widen. "I completely forgot. I - uh - I kinda already have plans"

"That's cool. We could just -"

"Alrighty. Ready to go?" Ruben walked back to your group, placing his arm around your shoulder. Luka paused what he was saying the moment Ruben jumped into the conversation. He should have known you had plans with him. He is your boyfriend after all. It's natural for you to limit your time with him to be with Ruben. You're probably going on a date with him.

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