Love Story

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We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air

"Achoo!" You sneezed into a tissue. Sniffing, you stared at Kwan with a blank expression. Your parents had gone to work while you stayed home from school. Currently, you sat in the living room with a thick blanket wrapped around you. A tissue box placed right across from you on the coffee table and a trashcan standing right below it. "Someone please end my misery" Your voice came out raspy.

"Don't be a baby" Kwan rolled her eyes. "It's just a small cold"

Since early this afternoon, a supervillain by the name of Oblivio has been erasing the memories of everyone he comes across. Ladybug and Cat Noir are tracking him down inside Montparnasse Tower.

Your empty gaze turned to the television. Letting out a cough, you glared at the screen. "I should be there"

"No can do" Kwan glared at you. "The miraculous can up your agility and all, but it would not help you feel any less sick. You can't be Phoenix while being sluggish as well."

"Ugh" You groaned. A knock at the door grabbed your attention. Kwan flew behind some books on the bookshelf beside the television stand. You got up, holding the blanket to your shoulders as you walked to answer the door. Opening it slowly, you spoke, "Is that you, death?"

"Sorry, no. Death couldn't make it, so he sent your cool best friend to collect you" Luka smiled at you. Your (h/c) hair was a mess, your nose red and stuffy, and your eyes were just a tiny bit red and swollen. Your cheeks were flushed with the amount of warmth you felt. You looked terrible.

"Then come on in. Let me just get in the outfit I prepared for my funeral" You joked, walking back to your spot on the couch. Luka let out a laugh. Turning to him, you smiled at the sight of him following you. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Yeah, but I know how you can feel miserable when you're sick" He sat down on the recliner that's adjacent to the couch. "So I'm here to take care of you until you feel all better."

"Aww. How sweet" You smiled at him. "Just like how when we were kids"

Luka nodded. "How are you feeling? Besides the whole sickness and the desire for death"

"Nothing much besides that" You lowly chuckled. Luka shook his head, his smile growing. He stood up and placed his hand on your forehead. You closed your eyes at the contact. Compared to you, his touch felt nice and cool while you felt like the embodiment of heat. He let out a huff. 

"Have you eaten anything?" You shook your head at the question. No. He let his hand fall back to his side as he turned to leave to the kitchen. "I'll go whip up some of my mom's famous chicken noodle soup"

"Thank you" You coughed. 

Almost an hour later, Luka came back into the living room with a fresh bowl of his mother's soup. You did your best to not cough while laughing at the sight of him wearing your mom's apron. He placed the bowl in front of you. "Bon appetit."

"Merci," You giggled, reaching for the spoon. Just as you grasped it, Luka had whacked your hand. Your eyes looked at him with confusion. Without saying anything, Luka grabbed the spoon, scooping the essence of the soup. His lips blew on the food to cool it down before he positions the spoon to feed your mouth. You felt the heat in your cheeks rise and you thanked your sickness for already making them flush a nice pink color. 

"Just like when we were kids" Luka repeated your statement from earlier. You couldn't help but smile at the memory. Whenever either of you was sick, the other would always do their best to care for them. Luka would hand-feed you, help you to the bathroom, get and do anything you asked for, and he would even tuck you into bed and sing a nice lullaby, and vice versa. 

"Ah" You opened your mouth. Luka placed the spoon into your mouth, and you devoured the food. He smiled at your content expression. 

 Looks like Ladybug and Cat Noir are struggling today.

The two of you looked at the news channel. It showed Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting Oblivio. The heroes were arguing about something. Idiots. Don't be distracted. You thought. Chat Noir went around, trying to divert Oblivio's attention to him instead of Ladybug. You hissed when you saw Chat Noir get hit. Ladybug quickly pulled him into an elevator. They were retreating. You watched as the female hero began to draw something on the wall just before she got hit as well.

The battle against Oblivio continues. Oh, oh no! Cat Noir has been hit, but Ladybug pulls him out of danger.  What's she doing now? Ladybug is down, too!

"I wonder where Phoenix is," Luka thought out loud. "I'm sure with her help, they would have a better chance at stopping Oblivio."

"Tell me about it" You uttered under your breath. 

"No matter." Luka turned back to you. "What's more important is your health"

You smiled at him. Did he just call you more important than an Akuma? More important than Ladybug and Chat Noir? He's usually a big fan of theirs, always focusing on the news when there's a story about them. You could feel yourself resisting the urge to blush even harder. Luka continued to feed you the soup until you were done. He went to grab his bag, pulling out a small grocery bag that had some medicine inside.

"Here" He handed them to you. "I'll go get you some water go with it"

"Thanks" You watched him leave the living room once more. Kwan took this chance to fly next to you, hiding underneath your blanket. 

"He's kind" She whispered. You hummed in agreement. Luka came back with a glass of water. He handed the drink to you.

He watched you drown down the medicine pills he had given you with the water. The sudden urge of sleep was getting to you now. Luka could tell by the way you yawned and how your eyes began to flutter shut. You felt him grab you by the shoulders, leading you to lay down on the couch. The moment your head hit a pillow, you began to zone out. You could feel Kwan hide behind you, going through the couch and hiding underneath it. Luka smiled at your tired form. He adjusted the blanket to cover you fully as he hummed a song. 

"Why are you so nice to me?" You mumbled, half-asleep.

"Because you're my best friend" Luka chuckled.

"I love you" You smiled. Your hands hugged the pillow beneath your head. Luka's eyes widen a bit. He remembers how just a week ago he heard Ruben say those exact words to you. How many times did you exchange that phrase with the upperclassmen? He wondered. His teal gaze softened as he patted your shoulder.

"You should be telling Ruben that" He whispered, a small smile forming on his lips. "But I love you too"

"Why would I tell Ruben that?" You groaned in your sleep.

"Because he's your boyfriend"

"Ew. No. He's not" You yawned one last time. "He has.... a... boyfriend, Manu. We're... just friends..."

"What...?" Luka's eyes widen in shock. But it was too late. You were already deep in your dreamland. Luka sat there, beside you, surprised by your words. You and Ruben are not dating? And he has a boyfriend? But... last week... the two of you were... Did the two of you break up? Just what did you mean by that?


I'm back ya'll!!! I'm way ahead in my drafts for this story so I plan on finishing this story first :)

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