Extra: Sleeping Beauty

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Finally some Adrienette for ya


No more you and I
Never off just on
Opposite of wrong
If it was you and me against the world
I'd still like our odds
Please don't ever close your eyes on me
My sleeping beauty

Adrien stared at the large painting of his mother. It's been years since he and Ladybug defeated Hawkmoth, who turned out to be his father during that time. He remembered how heartbroken he was when he found out the villain's identity. He was so upset and confused that his own father even tried to akumatized him. Thankfully, he had the help of his lady and friends to keep him in check that day. He loved his father. He cared for him. He still hopes that he could mend their relationship. But that doesn't erase all the pain his father has done.

Since Gabriel has been arrested, Adrien had inherited his father's fashion company. The board members have been in charge of it until he came of age and finished studying in business. Although he was upset with his father at the time, he still felt like he owed it to his mother, who has since been moved to a hospital. She was a big fan of his father's designs after all. He didn't want to take the company away from her, especially when she's been showing signs of waking up.

Looking at the painting, he thought about how his father would spend most of his days in this room. He remembered how he had accidentally found a hidden vault that held a grimoire on all of the miraculous. That should have been Adrien's first clue that his father was hiding something. He just didn't want to believe it. What's worse is that this was also where the entrance to Hawkmoth's lair was at. Adrien remembered how he wanted to destroy the room.

But now is not the time to think about all of that. Now is the time to think about his present. Mother, I hope you wake up soon. I know you wouldn't want to miss this. Plagg flew onto his shoulder, smiling at the young man his master had grown into. Adrien scratched his kwami's head with his index finger. "So are you going to do it?" Plagg asked.

"Yeah" Adrien turned to leave the room. "But I'm kind of nervous"

"I don't see the big deal. I've never understood human relationships" Plagg flew into the inside pocket of Adrien's shirt and pulled out a slice of camembert. "All I need is my cheese and I'm set for life"

"We all can't have a life's supply of camembert to be happy, Plagg" Adrien chuckled as he walked up the stairs to his office.

"Which is a shame," Plagg noticed the serious look his friend had. Adrien was staring at the empty mansion. The kwami knew what he was thinking. The mansion has been empty and lonesome for a long time now. The only other person who has been living in the mansion is Adrien's bodyguard, and he doesn't talk much. The "Gorilla," as Adrien had nicknamed him, acted as his legal guardian when both Gabriel and Nathalie were arrested and Emelie was emitted into the hospital. Though the Gorilla has been kind and a good friend, Adrien still felt lonely while living in the mansion.

"Things are going to change around here" The corners of Adrien's lips lifted into a small smile. Plagg turned to him. The look in the blonde's eyes told the kwami what he meant without saying anything. Plagg smiled back.

"It sure will"


You laughed as Luka carried you on his back and spun around. You were trying to eat the churro Luka had bought you along the way. Your friends and comrades watched with smiles. Luka placed you down. The two of you were hanging out at your place when you got a text from Nino. He said Chat Noir wanted everyone to meet at Le Champ de Repos. It sounded urgent.

"I see that you're having fun" Alya commented.

"They're such lovebirds" Alix shook her head.

"Don't be jealous" You sat down on Luka's lap. Kwan and Sass flew up to the little hangout spot you made for the rest of the kwamis.

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