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Ain't no words to describe you baby
All I know is that you take me high
Can you tell that you drive me crazy?
'Cause I can't get you out my mind

You sat at a table in the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Earbuds in, music blasting. You focused on the rhythm of the beats as you waited for Marinette to bring you your order. You closed your eyes. As much as you tried to focus, your mind went back to last week when Luka hugged you during that akuma attack. You grinned.

"Did something good happen?" You opened your eyes and turned to Marinette.

"No, not really" You shook your head as she placed your order down on the table. "I'm just thinking".

"Well, that thinking sure is making you happy" She sat down across from you.

"I guess so, yeah" You shrugged, taking a bite out of your macaroons. Taking a glance outside, you smiled. Your mind wandered back to the hug. That was your longest and intimidate hug with Luka. You wondered if you did manage to confess your feelings to Luka, would he reciprocate your feelings? Would you have more of those hugs? Would those hugs turn into anything more?

Glancing at Marinette, you remembered that she's the girl Luka likes. Your hope of being with the guitarist disappearing. Does Marinette even have feelings for Luka? If she does, wouldn't that mean that you would have to live through the pain of seeing them dating? But what if she doesn't? That would mean you would have to watch Luka's heartbreak. You don't want that to happen. You want the bluenette boy to be happy. You sighed. Why does love have to be so difficult?

"Is something the matter?" You heard Marinette ask. Staring at her, you decided to take a risk. 

"Have you ever been in love?" You know that it's a stupid question to ask a fifteen-year-old. You just didn't expect her reaction. Her fair complexion had turned a bright red as she began to mumble and mix up her words. She laughed nervously, waving her hands in the air. You felt your heart ached as she rambled on. Could the person she loves be Luka? 

"Anyway, why do you ask?" She stopped, taking notice of your sad expression.

"Oh, it's just - it's nothing really" You went back to eating your pastry. Marinette placed her hand on yours, stopping you and grabbing your attention. You stared at her. She looked worried. Sighing, you leaned back into your seat. "Well, there's this boy"

"Oh" She leaned back as well. 

"I don't remember when I started liking him but -" You gazed at the pastries, too embarrassed to look at Marinette in the eyes as you spoke. "He likes this other girl. She looks really adorable and is a good girl - I can't find myself to hate her at all. But it hurts you know? Every time he talks about her, or when he runs off to meet her instead of hanging out with me, my heart breaks. He only sees me as a friend while I'm over here crying my heart out because he'll never see me the way I see him"

"I can understand that" You looked at Marinette. She had a sad smile on her face, her expression matching yours. "The guy I like only sees me as a friend too. I always make a fool of myself when I'm around him - it's hard for me to even get a full word out to him. I can't help think if it would be better to just move on, but I just can't. My feelings for him are just that strong"

"I guess we're both in the friend zone" You let out a small laugh. Marinette giggled. 

"Yeah, I guess so" She got up from her seat. "See you around"

"See ya" You waved at her as she walked away. The guy she likes only sees her as a friend. If she likes Luka, then the two of them haven't been able to portray their feelings that well. You let out a deep sigh. Love is cruel. 


Your friends sat around your room as you ran around looking for something you lost. Grace sat at your desk, while Lucien laid down on your bed and Calixte on the ground. The two boys were reading a comic as you shoved them to look for a specific item. Calixte had gotten up. "What exactly are you looking for?"

"My choker" You looked under your bed. "My mom said that my grandmother has a pendant that she wants to give me. I'm thinking of putting that pendant on it"

"(y/n)!" Your mother called. 

"Found it!" You pulled out a black choker from under your bed.

"The fact that you found it under your bed says a lot about your cleaning habits" Lucien mumbled. You ignored his comment and rushed downstairs to meet your grandmother. Your friends followed, standing behind you as you greeted the old-aged woman. She smiled at them, greeting your friends as well. All of you sat down in the living room as your mother went to grab some snacks. You sat next to your grandmother. 

"I'm sure your mother had mentioned to you that I'm giving you this" She spoke as she pulled out a small pendant. She grabbed your hand, placing the item into your palm. "This pendant has been in our family for over 20 generations"

You stared at the item in your hands. The pendant is in the shape of a fire with a ruby in the center. The bright red blended perfectly with the orange-yellow color of the fire. What you found interesting was that the fire was cut into five sections. You turned to look at your grandmother as she continued to speak. 

"I once gave it to your mother, but she never once used it. Then again, no one has worn it since your great-great-great-grandfather". She spoke as your mother entered the room, placing a platter of snacks down on the coffee table. Your friends dug in. "It was said that our ancestors were given this pendant by a guardian. It is meant to bring the wearer strength, wisdom, and the ability to defeat any challenge that comes your way"

"It's beautiful" You smiled. "Thank you, grandmother"

Both of you shared a hug. When you released, you put the pendant on your choker. You grinned as you showed the piece of jewelry to your friends. They asked if you planned on wearing it right now, but you told them later since it wouldn't match what you're wearing. They laughed. The rest of the afternoon was spent hearing random stories from your grandmother. All of you laughed as she spoke about her adventures in life. 

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