Dance Tonight

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Miles separating us, you're still with me
Might be only in my dreams
What on earth have I done to you, baby, baby?

You looked at Calixte with your eyes wide and your mouth hanging open. It's lunchtime and you and all of your friends were sitting around one another. Calixte had gotten a text, and grinning wide, he read it to you out loud. Luka was smiling at you, pleased with the news.

"W-We're going to be on t.v." Grace glanced at you, matching your expression. "The dance contest is going to be on live television?!"

"And all because this one is a superhero!" Lucien shook you by your shoulders. "Congrats you two!"

"They were also sorry that you couldn't perform as the closing act for XY yesterday" Calixte explained. "So my friend said that they're also going to let you perform a song, only if you still want to."

"You were going to perform a song?" Luka asked, his eyebrows raised a bit in surprise. This is the first time he heard of this. Clearly, everyone else knew. How come you kept it a secret?

"Uh. Yeah," You blinked, shaking your head. You still couldn't wrap your head around the news. The dance contest is going to be on television. All because you're Phoenix. That's a good thing, right? Sure, there's going to be more pressure but that's nothing. You'll be fine. It's no big deal.

Who are you kidding?

It's a huge deal. You're going to be dancing and performing on live television. Everyone in town is going to see you. Everyone is going... 

"I think I'm going to need some air" You let out a deep breath. Your friends looked at you as you left the table and walked out with a blank expression. Ruben and Manu were walking up to you, smiling, but you just grabbed hold of Ruben's arm and began to drag him away. 

"Hey - hey!" Ruben glanced at you, then at Manu, who was just as confused as he was. He noticed the look you had. "What's wrong?"

"We're going to practice until we drop dead, got it?" You looked up at him. He shivered in fear as he looked into your crazy-looking eyes. Your grip on his arm tightening. "I said, do you got it?"

"Yes ma'am" He squeaked.


Kwan peaked out of your bag, looking at you and Ruben practice restlessly in the studio. The moment news broke out to the dance studio it was like everyone was possessed. Each team was practicing like there is no tomorrow. They want to make sure their routine is as perfect as it can be for the surprise judges. 

"Perfect!" You grinned. The music stopped and Ruben fell to the ground, letting out a deep sigh. You laughed and went over to grab your water bottle. 

"You going to do great!" Kwan whispered. You smiled at her.

"Thanks" You chugged your water bottle down, throwing it back into your bag, and wiping the sweat off of your brow. "I think we're just about ready for tomorrow."

"Great! So can I go home and actually get sleep?" Ruben shouted from where he laid. 

"Yes," You smiled at him. He got up from the ground and went toward his own water bottle, grabbing his things. 

"Then I better get out of here before you change your mind" Ruben smirked at you. He was walking out before abruptly stopping to turn to you. "Oh yeah. So are you still planning to sing that song you arranged tomorrow?"

You looked at him, surprised that he even remembered the song you were going to sing for Luka. It was a song that depicted your feelings for the boy. You were ready to pour your heart into singing it. But it's all pointless now. He likes Marinette. You were constantly reminding yourself of that fact. You were constantly putting yourself down and hurting. 

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now