Extra: Everything Has Changed

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I saw this video and I thought that this matched reader and Luka. The two characters belong to anderdoodles_HPC on Instagram


All I knew
This morning when I woke
Is I know something now,
know something now I didn't before

"La la la la" Luka watched you sing from behind a tree. You were staring up at the sky, swaying side to side. The sun was hitting you just perfectly and made you glow under its spotlight. Your voice attracted some of the birds that were flying by. There was a slight breeze, making the flowers and the grass sway with you. You looked like you just came out of a movie scene.

Luka's eyes widened as you began to sing the song he and his dad were working on. He felt his cheeks flush and his heart began beating faster against his chest. No one has ever sung a song of his. No one besides his family. He watched you start to practice your ballet routine along with the song. The way you moved about gracefully, the way your voice sounded as sweet as honey, your overall appearance made him feel a sudden rush of happiness.

You finished and took in a deep breath. "I wonder where's Lu - Ah!"

You had turned around and jumped at the sight of him, scaring the birds away. Your (s/c) complexion blushed a deep red. You started to stutter out an apology, blushing harder and hiding your face in your palms. Luka smiled, grabbing your hands so that you can look at him. Your eyes met and Luka felt like a sudden spark went off. Before he could think, the school bell rang.

"Come on. Let's get to class" Luka dragged you back to the classroom. He paused and turned to you. "You have an amazing voice. I want you to sing another song"

"Wait. What?" You asked. Luka laughed and continued to walk back to class. "Luka!"


Luka stared at the star-lit sky. The sound of people whispering filled the background. He could hear his mother sniffling in her tears. Juleka was inside her room, talking to Rose. His mom doesn't want them to be around for this sad night. Luka was inside for a while, comforting his mom and greeting the guests, but after a few minutes passed, he felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt the need to escape.

So he did. He made sure his mom was okay and he sneaked his way outside. It was a quiet night in Paris. He heard the small waves of the seine and a few birds chirping as they flew to their nest. He gripped the fabric of his sleeves. His family began to play his dad's latest song. He never finished it.

Luka looked up and saw you sitting next to him. You took his hand into yours. At that moment, he finally broke. Tears fell from his eyes and he could feel his chest ache. You wrapped your arms around him, silently crying as well. You gripped his hand the louder he cried. He rested his head onto your shoulder, burying his head into the crook of your neck. You looked up at the sky.

"La la la la la" You began to sing.

"La... la la la" Luka wept, harmonizing with you. You managed to smile and kissed his forehead.

"La la la la la la"


He closed his eyes at the feeling of your fingers running through his hair. Your mom had just recently taught you how to dye hair and you wanted to try it out on someone else other than yourself. Your friends questioned your new skill, but Luka offered as he had full trust in you. He felt like changing his style anyway. And if it didn't go as planned, he could always have his mom fix it.

Your fingers brushed over his scalp as you hummed. Luka felt relaxed. He opened his eyes and looked at you through the mirror. You smiled at him for a split second before going back to what you were doing. He felt something stir in his stomach. It was as if he had butterflies. He closed his eyes again, focusing on your melody.

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now