Yuukei Yesterday

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"I wanna ta-ta-tara-tell you!" I keep thinking as I'm sprinting
And I just don't understand! My heart's a bombshell and it's ticking

'Fore the ba-ba-bara-breath inside is gone and the sun is setting
If I could, I would tell you what I thought

Can you help? I'll do anything oh God!

You stared at Kwan. Your eyes widen with terror. It's the next day and you were feeling way better than yesterday. Luka had left after some time, leaving you all alone in your house once again. It wasn't until your parents came home that you had woken up, only to fall back to sleep in your room. Kwan had just finished telling you about the conversation your half-asleep self had with Luka. 

"I said... what now..." You gazed down at your lap, replaying what you can remember from yesterday. Luka came over. He took care of me. We watched the news about Oblivio. I took my meds and started to feel sleepy. He put me to sleep on the couch and... "Oh god. My life is over!!"

"Don't be so dramatic now" Kwan sighed. 

"I told him 'I love you'!"

"But he took that as a friendship way"

"I told him I'm not dating Ruben!!!!"

"Such a shame that you can't just die and reincarnate like me, huh"


"(y/n)?" You heard your mom call from downstairs. "Is everything alright?"

"I want to die!"

"You can't die before going to school" She laughed.

"Oh god. School!" You turned to Kwan. "What am I going to do? He's going to ask questions. What do I say? I outed Ruben and Manu to Luka as well! I'm such a terrible -"

You stopped talking when you felt a light flaming wing slap your cheek. It didn't burn, it just stung a little. Kwan placed her wings on your cheeks, pushing them together to shut your mouth. Her red eyes glared at you. "I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to text your friends and Ruben about how you accidentally blurted the truth to Luka, and you're going to make up this random story as a cover-up, and you are going to go to school and face Luka head-on. You got that?!"

"Yush" You managed to speak.

"Good. Now go!" Kwan let go of you and you quickly went to your phone. You did what the small kwami told you to do. It was no shocker to you that not only did your friends scold you, but tease you as well. You didn't exactly want to go to school but you knew there was no way you're parents were going to let you skip another day. Especially when you seem to be getting over your sickness.

"Please. Can you just kill me now?" You mumbled to Kwan, who was staring at you from your bag. You were standing just in front of the school. 

"Yo!" You jumped, almost tripping over yourself. That voice. Turning around, you spotted Luka. He was smiling his casual smile at you. 

"L-Luka!" You stuttered, rubbing your hand behind your neck.

"You seem to be better today" He observed. You looked completely refreshed, minus the fact that you looked nervous about something. 

"Y-Yeah. That soup and sleep did me good" You internally cursed yourself for having your voice squeak. 

"Listen, I want to ask you about something" Luka's smiling expression turned more serious. Oh no. He's going to ask now, huh. You're not ready for this. Can't you just disappear for an entire week?

"Sure. What up?" God, (y/n), can you sound any more awkward?

"It's about you and Ruben." Oh no. Luka's teal blue eyes gazed down to the side. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but you mentioned that the two of you aren't dating. Mind if I know what happened between the two of you?"

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