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You've got a hold of me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet
But I fall when I'm around you

You were sitting down, holding a cup of soda, staring at your fellow schoolmates as they danced and have fun. Calixte had pushed Lucien into the pool, only for him to trip and fall in too. You let out a small laugh. Lucien's half-sister Grace walked up to you, holding a plate of nachos. She sat down across from you, placing the plate down on the small table that stood in between the two of you. "So, where's Luka?"

"Out with Juleka's friend Marinette" You grabbed a nacho. "They went to the ice rink"

"Marinette?" Grace put a finger on her chin as she tilted her head to the side. "You mean the girl with pigtails?"

"You know her?" You arched a brow.

"Of course. Her parents run that cute bakery near the park". Grace smiled. "She's a sweet girl"

"Hm" Not to self, visit the bakery. You thought to yourself. The two of you turned to the direction of Calixte and Lucien again. They had gotten out of the pool and began to jam out to the song that was playing. They have no dancing skills whatsoever. You glanced at Grace and both of you let out a laugh. The two boys noticed and walked up to you.

"Come on (y/n) let's go for a swim" Calixte grinned.

"No, thank you" You waved him off. "I'm going to leave soon"

"What? Why?" Lucien sat next to you, stealing a nacho from his sister. Grace gave him a quick glare.

"Juleka and Rose want me to check a song that they wrote". You explained as you got up, stretching. At that moment, you saw the pool freeze then everything around you froze as well. You had turned to your friends when you began to freeze. "An Akuma!" Were the last words that escaped your lips.

You stayed that way for what felt like hours. A gasp brought you back, your breath visible. Looking around, everyone seems to have never noticed the incident. They continued to party as if nothing happened. You stared at your group of friends.

"I guess... I'll see you guys tomorrow" You waved them goodbye.


Humming along to the song you were listening to, you began to wonder if Luka is okay. He was at the ice rink so he must have been cold. Knowing him, he probably wouldn't have taken a warmer jacket. You smiled at the memory of the time you went ice skating with him. He dodged you from forcing him into another jacket.

"Ah" You stopped in your steps. Luka was talking to who you were guessing was Marinette. The fifteen-year-old left and ran up to the limo that had pulled up. She began to talk to who you know as Adrien Agreste. Luka began to walk away.

You noticed the sad look in his eyes. You know that look. It was the look you had whenever Luka talked about Marinette. Is it bad that you were a bit glad that he had that look? No. You shouldn't think that way.

"(y/n)?" You looked up and noticed Luka standing a few feet away from you. The sad look he had just a moment ago vanished and a smile formed on his lips. "Already left the party huh?"

"Uh.. yeah" You grinned. The two of you began to walk toward the metro.

Instead of talking about the ice rink, he focused on you telling him about the party. He smiled and laughed whenever you mentioned the stupid stunts Calixte tried to pull. When you finished talking, the two of you stayed in silence for a while.

"So... Marinette" You turned to him. His smile shrank a little. "She seems cute"

"Yeah" He placed his hands in his pockets. Silence.

He really doesn't want to talk about it. You sighed. The feeling of an earbud being inserted in your ear made you jump. You turned to Luka, who had a wide grin on his face. Relaxing your shoulders, you closed your eyes and focused on the song. The warm feeling of Luka's hand holding yours made you smile.

By the time you reached the Couffaine's houseboat, you were still holding Luka's hand. He talked about some new music he wants to write. The moment you entered the living room, Luka let go of your hand and went over to make a few snacks. The warm feeling still lingering on yours.

"Where's Juleka and Rose?" You looked around for them.

"They probably went out for a bit" Luka entered the living room, placing a tray full of snacks down on the coffee table. You sat down on the couch. Luka had turned on the tv, sat down next to you, his arm resting behind you.

You felt your cheeks redden. This feels like one of those stay-at-home dates you read about in magazines. You pulled your knees up to your chest, smiling wide. Luka noticed and put his arm around your shoulder, nudging you, chuckling. Your heart skipped a beat due to the closeness. Trying to focus on the show, you did your best to not think about how good it feels to be this close to Luka. You've been this close a lot of times before, but his scent felt like a drug to you. It calmed you down and made you want to stay this way forever.

The door opened, Juleka and Rose entering, Luka unwrapped his arm and stood up. The two girls gave you a thumbs up as Luka went to grab his guitar. You hid your face in your hands, grinning like a child. Even though Luka's gesture is thought to have been in a friendly manner, you couldn't help but feel happy. Well, anything that Luka does makes you happy.

The rest of the day was spent with the four of you editing Rose's song. After finishing, the four of you put on a movie and decided on having a movie night. Rose and Juleka were cuddling next to each other, Juleka's arms wrapped around Rose. You and Luka were in the same position as earlier. This time, though, you placed your head on his shoulder - snuggling close to him. From the corner of your eye, Juleka was smiling at the sight of you and her brother. You held back a laugh.

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now