Extra: As Long As I Have You

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You never thought you would be back in Paris so soon. You felt so glad that your parents allowed you to go on the school trip that the French class was holding. However, before you and your class could get out of the train station, the chaperones noticed how people were rushing inside to get to safety. An akuma.

"What's going on?" Cecil turned to you along with the rest of your classmates. The teachers were holding all of you inside the train cart for safety.

"Huh? Oh - um - there's an akumatized villain out there" You explained. "But don't worry, Ladybug and Chat Noir will save the day"

"I heard that Paris has superheroes but I didn't think it was real" Owen grinned.

"Wait, you knew about that" You felt your heart stop. Does he know about you being Phoenix? How long has he known? When did he find out? How come he never asked you about it? While you looked calm on the outside, you were having a panic attack on the inside.

"I only know a few things about them. They have this thing called a miraculous that gives them powers and stuff." He shrugged in response. "That's about the extent of my knowledge"

You nodded your head and turned back to see the situation. I have to get out there. Your eyes glanced around your surroundings. You know the citizens of the town know who you are, but your classmates don't. You need to keep your identity safe from them. A few Parisians noticed you amongst the crowd and before they could say anything, you signaled for them to keep quiet. Now, how to get outside.

"Where are you going, (y/n)?" Cecil grabbed you by your arm, pulling you closer to her. "We can't go out until it's safe to"

"R-Right. I guess I'm so used to it by now hahaha" You glanced down at your bag. Kwan gave you a worried look. Damn.


"Woah. Paris is so beautiful" Cecil awed. You and your new friends were taking a walk around the town. "I'm honestly glad that they let us have a free day after making us wait inside the train for so long"

"Do you think we should have stayed at the hotel and checked out our rooms?" Simeon asked.

"Nah. I'm sure the teachers can handle everything just fine" Philip shrugged.

"That and Owen, here, really wanted to get a headstart on photoshoots, dragging us to scout locations no matter how jet-lagged we are" Raven smirked.


The conversation soon vanished from your mind. You were too busy focusing on how you couldn't do anything earlier. It seemed like it was serious if Ladybug went to seek out another hero.


Kwan had told you about how close she is with the kwami of the dragon miraculous. Not to mention that the previous Phoenix had fallen in love with the previous dragon miraculous holder, but when she died, he was set on getting revenge. You've worked with Rena Rouge and Carapace on some occasions. They're good people. You wonder if you would be able to work well with this Ryuko person.

"(y/n)!" You turned to look at your friends.


"You said your grandma still lives here, right? Maybe we can visit her sometime during this trip" Cecil smiled at you.

"She'll like that" You nodded.

"You can also introduce us to your friends here and maybe we can hang out" Raven added.

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