Ego Part 1

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You know that your gonna come to me for help
Don't tell me that it's time for going solo
You need to knock some sense into your ego (ego, ego, ego) Yeah

You walked into your classroom, frowning. Luka had noticed that you've been in a bad mood since he went to pick you up. Your friends noticed too and chose not to say anything. The people around you felt the dark aura that surrounded you as you walked by. You're usually one to smile and laugh with your friends throughout the day. For something to make you this angry, they were worried in case you became akumatized.

"Alright, what's wrong?" You looked up to see Ruben. It was lunch and all of your friends were staying quiet. Ruben had walked up to you, seeing how everyone is acting around you. Luka stared at the two of you.

"It's nothing" You stabbed your spork into your pasta.

"Sure don't seem like it" He sat down next to you. "You want to talk about it?"

"If I did, everyone would be giving me advice by now" You continued to eat. Ruben stared at your friends. They shrugged. He turned back at you.

"Okay, then how about we go release all this anger" He stood up, offering you a hand. You looked at him, arching a brow. You took his hand as he signaled Grace to turn on some music. She did so and Ruben began to lead you to some open space. He began to dance, his body moving to the beat. You crossed your arms, staring at him, unamused. Seeing as this was not working, he began to fool around with his dance moves. You held back a laugh as he almost tripped over himself.

He walked up to you, taking your hands, making you join him. You began to sway to the music. He spun you around, the two of you started to practice the part of the routine you were stuck on. A smile formed as you finally got it right. People surrounded you. A few took videos of the two of you dancing. As you danced, you let go of every negative emotion you felt. You focused on the music. It was like you were alone in the world. It was nice. You felt free.

Luka watched as the frown you had turned into a bright smile. Before, it was he who was able to do that. And now? Well, now you have Ruben. He was able to make you feel better without having to ask anything from you. He didn't have to wait until after school to get his guitar and play you a song. He just had to lead you to an empty space where you can feel like yourself.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Marinette in the crowd. She smiled as she watched you dance, her friend Alya stood next to her, filming. The two of them made eye contact. Luka smiled at her. She waved. You were too busy dancing to notice.


"Kwan" You called for the small creature. She perked her head from her perch and looked down at you. You had your hands on your hips. The red-orange kwami noticed the stern look you had. Throughout school, you were thinking about your fight with Ladybug. The reason why you were mad was that Kwan never told you anything about the previous Phoenix. "I want you to tell me why Ladybug's and Chat Noir's kwamis don't like you"

"That's a long story" The kwami flew down toward you. You sat down on your bed, ready to listen. Seeing as there is no way out of it, Kwan took in a breath and began to tell the story of her past.

"I appeared about a decade before all the other kwamis". Kwan began. "It was around the time when land animals began to appear. I was just a small flame then. I liked to have my fun and pull pranks. When the other kwamis appeared, I got along well with Chat Noir's kwami. We both have a habit of destroying things. But mine... Mine was worse. I destroyed their homes countless times, killed creatures just for fun, I was worse than Chat Noir's kwami. I was evil. When the guardians arrived, they always paired me with someone who can control my flames. It was terrible. I felt trapped. I couldn't use my full power. But after a while, I realized that my masters were all related. That was when we made the pact. But then... then I got him. Your great-great-great-grandfather."

"He was the last person to have used it" You looked at Kwan's sad expression. She nodded.

"He wasn't like your other ancestors." She continued. "The moment he had refused to give back the miraculous, he began to use me for his greed. But he never harmed me like how Hawkmoth is doing to his kwami. Instead, he set me free. I was able to use my power to its full extent and he didn't care because that's what he wanted. Yes, we brought chaos wherever we went but we never killed people. And yet, they called us murders and traitors. The kwamis and the guardians went to war with us. They thought that what we were doing will only harm humanity."

"And in reality?" You questioned.

"In reality," Kwan turned to you. "my master was using me to get revenge on the person who killed the one he loved. She was beautiful. He was always smiling when she was around him. She was his light. And someone took her. He was lost. He just wanted to avenge her, and everyone around us tried to stop him. I was only trying to help him. I was by his side and watched the light in him died. I wanted to help him feel at peace. The guardians and the other miraculous holders couldn't see or understand that. Then our war ended. My master was severely wounded. I thought he was going to die."


"This woman had walked by. She saw us and took us into her home. She healed him in more ways than one. With her around, I saw the light in my master's eyes return. They fell in love. However, master thought she didn't feel the same way because of his past as Phoenix. But she understood him. She helped him fly under the guardians' radar and escape. That way he could still keep me around. They then got married, had children, and when the master died, I was handed down to his firstborn. Master and his wife never had told them about what I was, so I was never used. That was until you came along."

"Why did it take so long to get his revenge?" You stared into the red-orange kwami's eyes. 

"Because the killer was part of a dangerous group and was on the run" Kwan flew to your lap. "The other kwamis don't truly accept me because my power is stronger than theirs"

"But Chat Noir's kwami can hurt people too" You pat the small creature's body. 

"Yes but he's okay with being controlled. I don't." Kwan's eyes downcast.

"I'll talk with Ladybug tonight" You smiled. Kwan perked up. She flew up to hug your cheek, giving you a small peck. You giggled and offered her some meat. 

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