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I'm crazy for you and just like a fool
There's no way I can stop, stop, stop to tell you
I'm crazy for you and you know it too
There's no one who can top, top, top your smile

You glanced at your vanity's mirror, staring as Ruben practiced his dance routine for the monthly dance battle the studio holds. You were getting ready to hang out with Luka when Ruben had barged into your room to ask you to be his dance partner. He started to show you his routine before you could even answer him. Sighing, you placed down your hairbrush and turned to him. "Whatever happened to the arrogant bastard that you used to be?"

"Look, it was either you or Grace" He stopped dancing. "And Grace already formed a group so -"

You threw your brush at him, only for him to dodge it and laugh. He sat down on your bed. "I'm just kidding. You're my first choice".

You rolled your eyes. He grabbed the brush from the ground. You glared at him through the vanity mirror as he got up. He stood behind you and began to finish brushing your hair. You sat there letting him stroke your (h/c) hair as he brushed out all the tangles. 

"What do I get out of this?" You asked, turning to him. He placed the brush down and stared at you through the mirror, smirking.

"A guaranteed first-place prize" His purple eyes gleamed with excitement. You thought about it for a few seconds. The first-place prize is usually a small little trophy, but this month they had announced that they would be giving away a secret prize instead of a trophy. You had heard rumors about the said prize being a gift card, money, tickets to Jagged Stone, etc. Since the announcement, you've been practicing extra hard to come up with a unique routine. Maybe partnering up with Ruben would help. You smiled at him.

"Deal" You offered him your hand. He shook it.

"That's my girl" He ruffled your hair. You pulled his hand away, laughing. The door opened, both of you froze as soon as you saw Luka standing there. He had a bright smile on, holding a bag of snacks and movies. His smile slowly faded the moment he noticed Ruben. The purple-haired boy coughed, his hand retreating back to his side. He gave you an awkward smile as he left. 

"We'll begin practicing tomorrow after school" He stopped at the door, turning to you. "Oh! And don't forget that this routine requires being a bit intimate"

He winked as he closed the door behind him. You rolled your eyes. Luka had moved to your bed, placing the bag down. You got up from your seat and walked toward him. "Um, he was just here to talk about our dance routine"

"You know it's completely normal for a couple to hang out" He gave you a small smile. You felt like your heart shattered just a bit more. The bluenette boy pulled out the movies he picked out. "Plus he could've stayed and helped us pick which one to watch first".

You laughed a bit. His bright smile returning to his face caused you to feel better. The two of you built a fort and began to have a movie night. Eventually, it got so late out that Luka fell asleep before you. His head rested on your shoulder, causing you to blush and your heart to beat rapidly. You felt like you were going to die. 

His black to aqua blue hair fell just above his closed eyes. His lips were slightly opened as he breathed. His chest heaved up and down. You were no longer focusing on the movie. Instead, you were focused on the sleeping boy that was sitting next to you. Slowly, you raised your hand to stroke his hair. He made no movement. Your heart skipped a beat. Should you take a risk? He's sleeping and most likely won't feel anything. Hesitant, you began to slowly move your head. Closing your eyes, you kissed his forehead. 

After committing that act, you buried your face into your hands. Luka woke up due to your movements, staring at you, confused. Your face was red out of embarrassment. He figured it was due to the scene in the movie. The main couple was just being very intimate with each other, reminding him of what Ruben had said. Were you thinking about being that way with Ruben? He glanced at you. You were grinning like a child in an amusement park. Your eyes gleamed with happiness. You must like Ruben a lot then. The pain returned to Luka's chest. 

To distract himself, he looked around his room. He's been to your house since he was a child so he already knows your room like the back of his hand. He would notice anything that's new to your room. His eyes caught the glint of the pendant that your grandmother gave you. "That's new"

You jumped at the sound of Luka's voice. He's awake. You followed his stare, calming down as you saw your choker. "Oh, my grandmother recently gave that to me".

"It looks cool" He got up to grab it from your vanity, sitting down next to you shortly after. "Have you worn it yet?"

You shook your head. He smiled as he moved behind you, his fingers tickling you as he moved your hair to the side. Your heart skipped a beat as he put the choker around your neck. He moved his hands back to his sides when he finished. You turned to him, smiling. 

"It looks pretty on you" His smile caused you to blush. 

"T-Thanks" You managed to get a word out. Before he could say anything else, his phone rang. It was Juleka. Luka grabbed his phone and answered it. 

"Okay, okay. I'll be right there" He hung up, staring at you. "I have to get going, sorry".

"There's nothing to be sorry about" You smiled. "It's getting late anyways"

Both of you quickly cleaned up before you saw Luka out. He waved at you as you watched him walk down the street. You sighed, head resting on the palm of your hand, a smile forming. You looked lovestruck. 

"Wow, I thought he'd never leave" You turned to a sudden voice you just heard. A tiny falcon-looking like creature floated in front of you. Your eyes widen. "Hiya, I'm Kwan, the kwami of phoenix miraculous"


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