Ego Part 2

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Ego so big you must admit
I got every reason to feel like I'm that bitch
Ego so strong, if you ain't know
I don't need no beat I can sing it with piano

Once night fell, you saw a flash of red and black pass your window. You placed your headphones down, opened your window, and called out to Kwan. "Flames out" You spoke. The moment you transformed, you flew out the window.

As you flew, you watched as the lights of Paris turned on. The night breeze felt nice on your skin. Birds flew next to you, cautious of your wings, staring at you as they flew to their nests. You smiled as you stared at the night clouds slowly moving to cover up the shining full moon. You flew up to the clouds, feeling free from any of your troubles. Looking at the moon, it was like you were able to reach it. It was beautiful. 

You flew down, flying in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, in search of Ladybug. Her and Chat Noir land there when they're done patrolling the streets of the city. Chat made a pun when he saw you. Ladybug turned your direction. She crossed her arms as you landed.  "I thought you were quitting".

"Well, I just came to clear somethings up" You rolled your eyes, hands on your hips. "Hope that's okay with you, Ladybug". 

"Go on". The pig-tailed hero uncrossed her arms as Chat stood up and stood next to her. They waited for you to continue. 

"I don't know what you may have heard about my kwami or the previous holder" You began. "But, I want you to know that I'm not like my ancestor. I'm not going to use my miraculous for my own selfish needs. I'm going to use it to help people. My kwami may be dangerous, and I may be the only holder that can accidentally hurt someone, but I'm going to train to the point where I can control it. My flames don't hurt people. So, even if we have our differences, I'm going to continue being Phoenix - whether you like it or not".

You didn't give the two other heroes the chance to talk. You had flown away before that. They were probably going to refuse you, and you didn't want to hear any of that. But if they accepted you? Well, you'll find that out tomorrow. You're sure that the two heroes will need to discuss the problem anyway. So tonight you just want to enjoy a nice flight outside. 

The sound of a guitar strum grabbed your attention. Luka. You flew toward the Couffaine's houseboat. Luka was on deck, playing his guitar. He usually plays in his room. The only time he plays outside is when he's practicing/performing or when he has something on his mind. You watched him play. The rhythm sounded sad but happy at the same time. It was contradicting. It was confusing. You landed behind him, your flames dimming as your body was being hidden by the darker parts of the ship's deck. 

"Sounds like you'll going through something confusing". Luka turned to you once he heard your voice. His eyes widen a bit when he saw you. 

"You're the Phoenix" He spoke in disbelief. You smiled. 

"Call me Phoenix. I think 'the' is unnecessary". You took a step back. If he sees your face clearly, he could find out who you are. Luka and you have been best friends for years. There's no doubt in your mind that he would notice you. "Anyway, what's bothering you?"

"Why would you think something is bothering me?" He raised a brow.

"The way you played, it sounded... confusing". You tried to find the best way to explain. He placed his guitar down as you continued. "It was like you're happy but depressed at the same time. I know as an artist, it's easy to mix your feelings into your work".

"Are you an artist?" He sat down on one of the chairs that were laid out. You huffed. 

"You could say that" You walked around the piano stand, pressing a key. Luka eyed you. Ladybug and Chat Noir would show themselves all the time, but you didn't. You don't like being in the spotlight. He wondered why. Almost anyone else would love being in your shoes. Could it be something you don't want the public to know? Possibly. "So is something bothering you?"

"It's really nothing". The bluenette shrugged. Your brows furrowed, eyes squinting, your lips pressed. It was a look that told him that you didn't believe him. He let out a chuckle. Tilting his head up, his aqua blue eyes staring at the full moon, his hands resting between legs, he let out a sigh. "There's this girl".

"Oh," You raised your brows in surprise. He must be talking about Marinette. Gulping down your emotions for the guitarist, you continued to listen to what he had to say.

"She's beautiful and amazing at what she does". He continued. "From the moment I met her, I've been even more inspired. It's just... I think she likes this other guy".

"How would you know that?" Luka stared at you. Your flamed wings moved to cover your body just a bit. He was able to take note of your (s/c) complexion. He stared into your (e/c) colored eyes. You smiled. "I mean, everyone is hard to read. What if she does like you?"

"And what if she only likes me as a friend?" He refuted. "What would I do then?"

You didn't say anything. What could you say? Oh, I've been there. Actually, I've been in love with my best friend since we were kids and he only sees me as a friend. In fact, that's the reason why I became a hero. Sure, it doesn't give your identity away but there's no way you could tell him any of that. It's like your confessing to him. Staring at his sad expression, you took a deep breath. 

"You don't give up" You finally broke the silence. God, why do you have to be the helping type of person? You just can't stand seeing Luka sad. Whenever he has that sort of expression on his face, you always felt the need to cheer him up. You hate to see him like that. He stared at you. Before he could reply, you flew away. He watched your flames disappear from where you were standing. 


"Wow, I can't believe you told him not to give up on Marinette" Kwan spoke once you got home. She was waiting for you to give her a platter of chicken. You placed the plate down on your desk, where she was, and laid on your bed with a sigh. She began to devour the whole thing. "I guess you don't have that big of an ego, huh"

"I never said I did". You stared at your ceiling. Kwan looked at you from where she stood. "I just love him too much to know when to let go".

"So that's it?" Kwan flew to you as you sat up. "You're just going to give up?"

"What more can I do?" You got up and began to change into your pajamas. With a sigh, you turned to your kwami. "Look, I'm not saying that I'm going to go out with other guys now. I'm just putting my feelings on pause. I want Luka to be happy, even if I'm not always by his side".

Kwan watched you as you went back downstairs because your mom called you. The small little kwami felt bad for constantly teasing you about your crush on the black-blue-haired guitarist. What's the point of giving advice to others when you yourself aren't taking that same advice? You shouldn't give up on Luka.

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