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Weeks passed and you just finished packing the last of your things. You plumped yourself on your bed. "Finally! I am done!"

"I wouldn't say anything just yet" Kwan flew to the spot where your minifridge was at. "You have to put the fridge back"

"Don't worry, there's still meat downstairs" You sighed. "For now, I just want to sleep"

The sound of your phone ringing grabbed your attention. You groaned as you picked it up. Can't you just sleep before your flight to your new home? "Hello"

"Are you busy?" Grace's voice came over through the phone.

"Well, I was planning on getting some sleep" You sat up.

"At 4?"

"My flight is at 1 am"

"Fair point"

"Anyway, what do you need?"

"Don't tell me you forgot what today is?" She questioned.

"Um... it's no one's birthday, I'm sure about that" You thought out loud.

"It's movie and game night!" Grace gasped, pretending to sound offended that you forgot.

"Shoot! Was that today?" You checked your calendar. "Wait, but it's Tuesday? Movie nights are on Wednesdays"

"Yes, but you're not going to be here tomorrow night, or are you?"


"Hurry up before Luka starts singing ballads about how much he's going to miss you~"

"Lies, but I'm going" You grabbed your jacket and bag, hanging up. Kwan flew inside your bag.

On your way to the ship, you looked at every aspect of the city you love. You thought about flying there but you decided to take your time and savor the last hours you have here in the town. You hummed while Kwan peaked outside of your bag, complaining about how she wants to eat some meat.

You smiled at the sight of your friend's house. Lights were strung up and you could hear music being played and people talking. As you got closer, your smile turned into a grin when you saw your friends, classmates, and fellow dance members. Juleka's entire class was also present and the sight of Marinette made you happy. She has become a close friend to you over the past few weeks.

"Surprise!" They shouted.

"What is all this?" You felt your cheeks blush.

"Did you really think we were going to spend your last night here by only watching movies and playing games?" Lucien let out a small laugh.

"You're all too much for me" You giggled, hugging your friends.

"Care for some cake?" You turned to see Marinette holding a slice of your favorite cake.

"Mari~" You engulfed the girl in a hug.

"Woah. Since when were the two of you so chummy?" Ruben smirked.

"That is none of your business" You stuck out your tongue at him in a playful manner. Ruben shared confused glances at the rest of your friends, wondering what you meant. They shrugged their shoulders as a response.

"Alright, enough dilly-dallying" Manu grabbed your attention. "Let's get this party started!"

As if on cue, music began to play. You turned to the stage and saw Kitty Section playing their new song. Grace playfully shoved you for staring at Luka playing his guitar. The two of you giggled before heading to the dance floor. You sang along to the lyrics, feeling blessed to have a night full of fun with your friends.

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now