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Trails of fire
You always knew
They would carry me home
They'd lead me to you

The weekend after the dance contest, you and your family went to (hometown) to see the house. Your parents told you that you had to go so that you can get a better feel of the neighborhood and your new school. You and Kwan weren't exactly ecstatic about the trip, especially when you heard that there was an akuma attack that weekend. 

You were surprised when you read that a new hero came out of the attack. Viperion. When you looked at the photo of the hero on the Ladyblog, you had zoomed in and examined the picture closely. There was something familiar about the new male hero. It wasn't until you stared at the hero's eyes that you recognized him. 

"(y/n)!" You jumped at the sound of your name. Grace looked at you with a worried expression. "Are you okay? You zoned out on us"

"I'm fine. Just thinking" You smiled at her. 

"Thinking about your move?" Lucien asked.

"Your parents aren't letting you stay, huh?" Calixte let out a deep sigh. "And just when you made your hero debut"

"Don't be an idiot. She isn't a superstar" Ruben glared at the boy. "And even if she were, don't act like you're going to be her manager. That job's taken by me"

"What?! No fair!"

Your friends laughed, falling into another interesting conversation. You didn't pay it much attention and zoned out once more. The sound of a guitar had taken you out of your thoughts. The five of you were finally at the Couffaine houseboat. You smiled.

"Luka!" Calixte grinned, greeting and grabbing the boy's attention. "If (y/n) was a superstar, would Ruben be a better manager than me?!"

"What's this about?" Luka laughed. His aqua blue eyes met yours. He put the guitar down and opened his arms out wide, engulfing you into a hug. "(y/n), welcome back"

"Glad to be back" You smiled, hugging him back. Pulling away, the rest of your friends began to ramble back to their ridiculous conversation while walking inside. You and Luka followed. Kwan flew out of your bag when she smelled chicken. 

"Meat!" The little kwami flew away, making sure she wasn't seen.

"Don't eat too much" You whispered to her. 

"Hey, Ruben, where's Manu?" Grace turned to the upperclassman as she rummaged through the videogames the Couffaines had in their living room. "I have to return that book he lent me"

"He has this family thing" Ruben sat down, scrolling through his phone.

"How's practice with Kitty Section?" You turned to Luka.

"It's been good. I taught Marinette how to play the guitar for a bit" Luka smiled while the two of you sat down on the couch.

"That's nice" You glanced over at the television. You should feel happy that Luka was getting closer to Marinette, but you also know that it will take a long time for you to move on from your feelings. Love stinks.

Instead of focusing on your emotions, you turned your attention to have fun with you your friends. You all had come to Luka's for game and movie night. Calixte had brought your favorite game to play, Cards Against Humanity, and Uno to which Kwan questioned all of your mental states. You fought Ruben during Uno, teamed up with Luka and Grace during charades, and spent most of the time laughing along with your friends. 

"So what should we watch" Lucien pulled out two movies from the Couffaine's collection. Just as Luka went to get the television ready, an explosion happened. Kwan was quick to go to your side and help you protect all of your friends by pushing all of them behind you. The dust from the sudden incident blew away, revealing a new akumatized villain hovering above the ship. 

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