Leo x Female!Reader

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You were sitting about in the lair reading a book like you always do, the brothers doing their own thing. Suddenly you could feel someone behind you and playing with your (medium/long) hair, you didn't say anything knowing who it was. Leo always tends to play with your hair nonchalantly whenever he felt like it, you didn't mind at all, if anything you liked it, your mom use to do it all the time until she passed away which was around four years ago. So it was nice to finally have someone you trust touch your hair cuz you were actually very fidgety about the idea of someone touching your hair, but the past few months of knowing the turtles you have grown to be quite fond of the blue clad turtle. You might even say that you could trust him with your life. You were just starting to get on the good pages of the book when suddenly you could feel your hair's starting to part apart and get a little bit heavier. " hey don't move (Y/N) I'm in the middle of doing something it's going to be so awesome!" You stopped moving and let him do his thing. He got up for minute and grabbed a small mirror from the bathroom and came back over to you kneeling down in front of you and putting the mirror to your face. You looked up and what you saw toke your breath away for a second. He smirked at the awe struck face you currently had on. "Woah, its looks so....amazing..." You whisper and he smiled. "Well only the most amazing and beautiful person deserves the best.~" he winked and you blushed, taking in what he said and covered you face. "Hehe..uhhhh...thanks." You voice suddenly got a bit deeper in embarrassment, which happens often actually when he is around. "I love it when your voice deepens in embarrassment.~" He cooed looking at your cute face and undercovered them. "Your are most welcome, your highness~" you quickly grabbed the book and tapped him on the face and he pretended to be hurt but chuckled. "Hey, is that anyway to treat your prince?" He asked and you shook your head and gave him a hug wrapping your arms around his middle hiding your face. He was shocked at first but smiled and wrapped an arm around you.

"You dont have to hide from your prince. That face is too prefect to hide, but am glad am the only one who can see it like this.~" He sighed kissing the top of your head and laying his chin on your head. You smiled thinking of what to do, you had an idea and gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled wide as he did a sort of a double take, not expecting his innocent beauty to do such a thing so bold. Heh but he was wrong. Laughing you got up and started running and he got up. " oh no you don't! You don't just kiss and run my sweet! you better get back here!" He tripped you once he caught up and grabbed your middle and hugged you both falling on the floor due to the sudden stop. You both laughed and you two stayed like that for hours to come. Being held was something you didn't really like much since you were not use to it. But with him it was different, it was calming....it was safe.

Also he petted your hair more which made it that much more sweeter.

I hope you like it? Sorry for a short Oneshot, but am sleepy as heck and don't have much brain power to go on. Enjoy! ♡♢♡

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